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SARS and War - should you travel?


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I'm sure that many of you are asking yourself this question right now. Well, after completing a 2-week trip involving travel to both Singapore and Bali, I would say that this is a great time to travel. personally, I'd avoid the really high-risk areas for SARS (ie, China and Hong Kong), but other than that, you'll find great deals all around.

For a start, occupancy levels on most flights are way down. So if you like that whole row of seats in economy, now's the time to fly. Also, most hotels in Bali for example are running about 20% occupancy, so service is better and the chances of an upgrade to a better room are high (why not...it's empty anyway....)

Seems to me that the war has had very little real effect on SE Asia travel. If you believe all the travel advisories, you would never go anywhere. Singapore is listed as a risky place for SARS right now, I did not see it that way. As particular as that place is about rules & regulations, you can imagine that their actions have been pretty effective with respect to this.

Bottom line - go for it. It's not likely to ever be cheaper...

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