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ID Cards - how real is real?


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I am not sure if this has come up before or whether this is the correct forum (apologies if not) but just how *real* are the ID cards that some TG's carry (or any Thais for that matter)?


I have heard of several incidences where girls have *changed* their passports to allow entry back into certain countries and have used other peoples documentation to do this, i.e., they take on a new name, DOB etc. However, as ID cards are issued and must be used in Thailand then in order to get a *new* passport they must have to also get a *new* ID card.


Anybody know what the rate of girls carrying *fake* ID cards is?







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>Anybody know what the rate of girls carrying *fake* ID cards is?



Who would know?


Even 100% legal IDs may show the date of her birth registration, which may be a year or more after the true one. Not unheard of in the villages.


Other than that, I can only guess - knowing one girl from hill tribe (she thinks she is 32 yrs old), she had to get an ID to work bar, how she did it, don't know.


Leave it to your imagination who else may be interested in getting one to gain access to the bars/hotels.


It's an underworld not even Thais know much about. We better leave it where it is.


There are many legitimate ways for us to play it safe.


If you are after more complicated things, forgings are possible as anywhere else. To get down to the bone, you might need a Thai PI.

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