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July 7th


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July 7th



It's 2:30pm by the time I get up and head out. Went to Jools to hang. Had some food there (again excellent) and drank a Strongbow. Big Dave was in and told me where to buy cufflinks. I had some dress shirts made and was clueless on where to get them as I have never really needed them before. Jury is still out on whether I like the shirts better than the ones I normally buy in stores. My favorite service girl is there and she is very nice. We chat and talk of my travels, work and why I live in Japan. She is from up North and is a true beauty, though nothing compared to last nights. The guy from exploited teens asia comes in and goes upstairs to eat. Wanted to say hello or buy him a drink, but I really value my privacy and decided to respect his, especially in a public club. Met several interesting characters, one a real estate guy from Cambridge who was very polite, and a few silent types who only spoke English to say hello to Big Dave, then spoke Thai with the staff until they finished eating and left. Heard details about the closure of and plans for the old Paradise Disco. Learned Big Dave owns bars in Pattaya and knows several bar owners there, a few of whom I happen to know also. Incredibly soon it's 6pm and I get a message on the mobile. I message back and soon it rings. She is on the way to the hotel so I pay my tab, which is ridiculously small cause of all the rounds people buy you here, and say my goodbyes.

She arrives wearing "the dress", and I am momentarily unable to speak, or even breathe. Dude you better get a handle on yourself, with the quickness. We go upstairs so I can shower and change. Dressed in my last pants and dress shirt, we discuss where to go. She wants me to surprise her....what to do? I think for a second and decide on V-9. It's a wine restaurant in the old Monarch Hotel, now known as the Sofitel Silom. We take a taxi, the night is beautiful and there's a fat moon flirting with the Bangkok Skyline. Arrive at the Sofitel and V-9 is on like the 79th floor or something. I am pleasantly surprised with the nice décor, and the fact we are able to secure a window table sporting a fantastic view of the city. The menu is great and they have like 400 or so wines to choose from. I order a flight and we talk about her family and what she wants to do in life. In case you haven't seen it coming, I am all but lost. She has plans, and is unlike any BG I have been with before. The wines arrive and we have fun tasting and selecting a bottle to purchase. She likes red and so do I. Food comes and it's an interesting assortment of Thai dishes from different regions of the Kingdom. She teaches me about each as we eat them. After dinner the wine goes down smooth, we hold hands and laugh while I forget all the reasons I am usually quiet and dark.

Then her phone goes off, it sounded like a loud dieing animal and other patrons are turning to gasp at all the ruckus. Seems it's this guy she lived with in Samui for a few months, begging her to take him back. He continually sent her the text messages until she would turn the phone off. She told me the whole story and I do believe parts of it. Hard to imagine anyone dumping this lady, even if they do live in LOS.

We head back to the room and have a fantastic night. I broke a longstanding rule and pulled out almost every trick I know in bed. Tongue trick, hi and low g spot, freak daddy positions and more. Fucked like long lost lovers and collapsed. Know how rare it is to find a good kisser? I can still feel us kissing.



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