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One In A Million :)


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After i break up with the Afterschool girl to be honest with you im no longer interested in anything or anyone. I think in my own way i really fell for thisa girl and think to myself, im going to stay away from Afterschool for a while untill i feel alot happier again.


I remember a friend of mine in England saying that he had a girlfriend in a place in NEP called The Cat House, so i thought i would go there and see if i can find her.


I found her and straight away we got on like a house on fire, and after an hour or so, girls ariving for work were looking at us and thinking what on earth is going on hear and who is this guy. We found this highlly entertaining, so we took full advantage of it, and decided to wind up the girls and see what happens next and who is going to be the first one to approch us to see whats what.


After being there for around 3 hours and deffinatly drinking lots as i was depressed, i had enough by then to realise that if i drink anymore i will not be able to have sex that night and ferther more, why was i looking for sex in the first place, as im suppossed to be heart broken, hahahahahaha :) Dont you just love Thailand, i do :)


After anouther couple of beers, i was introduced to this girl, and think she is nice, but not my type but i dont mind buying her a drink and finding out what she has to say, so she is more then happy to sit down with me and my new found friend says that she has things to do so she shoots off to leave me alone with this girl :)


Before i know what is happening we have been sat there for a couple of hours woffaling away with each other and getting on really well, plus i think my heart was soffening for her, so i say do you want to come with me and we get something to eat and i'll pay your barfine, and this girl is just so cool ?


She looks me in the eye and gets hold of my hand and says am i shoure that i want to take her, so i say too right and i wanna have fun and i want you to come with me.


Before she even goes to the bar to pay the fine, she wispers in my ear that she will look after me and not to worrie about any money and stuff, and checks to see how much i have on me, and says you will go home with most of that even if we go out on the town all night :)


So after leaving the bar we go to Woodstock to get some food and kick ass at pool, as everyone else i play in Soi cowboy is no competition, so when i meet people / other Falangs that are good, it just makes me perform even better, so at this point im like who the hell was the girl at Afterschool that made me so upset and what a plonker i am in the first place for thinking this way :D


After a couple more beers and a Stake meal, we head off to Soi Cowboy as she says that she has never been there before and really would love to see it :) Soi Cowboy that is, hahahahaha.


We arive at the opposite end of Soi Cowboy so we will have to walk all the way to the other end to get there, so i say lets dive into this american theme bar on the corner and have a beer, so in we dive and both of us are gigalling away togeather like a couple of school girls and she has not even had a drink yet. I get myself a Beer Chang for me and a Bacardy Breezer for her, what a suprise a, then while drinking and chatting away togeather we decide to go on a pub crawll, and see were we end up at the end of the night, and everything is just so lovelly and fantastic and im so happy with her and she really likes me as every time i turn round she is there staring at me with this really lovelly smile she has.


The third bar we come to is Tilak, and i have to say that i really do love this place, and everything is just so easy and relaxed in this bar, there is just no pressure on anyone at all, but i do have alittle worrie in the back of my mind, as i was in there last night after breaking up with my girl and ended up taking a girl home for long time, so this was worrieing me alittle, but i though even if this girl douse see me she will be fine as i never promissed her anything so she had no face to loose in the first place.


We sit there and finally it is time to goto Afterschool, as my girl keeps saying that she wants to go and by now im saying i have alittle friend in there that i know she is going to like becouse im realizing that they both have a very simala caricture, so i just know that they are going to get along well, so i say ok Darling, lets go and we end up haveing this wonderfull huging session and kissing each other all over the place just before we leave and im still trying to get the check bin :)


We walk out of there just about and end up stumbling all the way down the road till we get to Afterschool, and by this point i no longer have any feelings for the girl i broke up with the night before, but at the same time i really would not like to see her if you know what i mean, just one of thoughs things i not like untill at least a couple of days has gone by, and no hard feelings and all that, but i forget we are in Thailand, and this means nothing or douse it ? hahahahahah :)


As we get there, my little friend is outside the door and my girl allmost falls over from me letting go of her to go and give my mate a hug, but after saying hello and my girl seeing were she is and realising that my X could be around somewere, she sobbers up pritty quick and introduced herself to my mate, and i can see the two of them trying to work each other out and i know that my friend is worried for me, as she thinks i go for the wrong girls and the type of girl that will take me for a ride, but after chatting away for a few minuites she grads our hands and leeds us in the bar and says i know you rome, what douse your girl want to drink and i say and say get one for yourself as well, as me and my girl full into a seat at the other end of the bar.


After a couple of beers my girl says that she is going to the toilet and i cant see my X girl anywere, so i say she gone yep to my mate, and she say yep, after she leave you last night she go with two guys and still not come back to the bar yet, YES, i can finally relaxe in hear and start to get pissed again.


I ask my friend what she think of my girl so far, and she says that she can tell she is a nice girl unlike that bloody thing i was going out with in my last trip report on hear. Then she says were did you find her, she has not been in the bar scean for long, so i look at my friend as though to say come on, dont you pull that one on me, and she say i tell you the truth, she not hear long, she is nice.


After a few more beers me and my girl say bye to my friend and the two of them say bye to each other and my friend say were we go now, and i say to that place at the end of the street to get us some foods and then go to hotel.


My girl was just so sweet that night i was just thinking why unearth did i stay with with my X for so long when this cute little chings im going out with now was just sat at anouther bar wating for me to go in and see her, hahahahahahha. We finally got home that night, and even with all the beers in side us we managed to rip each others clothes off and find out what each other was about before we pass out.


I went to sleep that night for the first time really happy and feeling relaxed :) I have a good one and im going to keep her and like she said to me at the beginning of the night, we spent next to nothing and i still had most of my money even though we both got wrecked and partyed away.


The next day she needs to goto her room to sought something out and said would i like to see her again, as she would really like to see me again and if so i goto her bar tonight around 5pm, so i get hold of her head and hiss her on her nose and say yes i would love to see you again, and she say ok but only if im shoure.


With this i go straght to Soi Cowboy for breakfast and to play pool till my friend from Afterschool arives and can come and say hello to me. You guys know what it is like there, i can play pool all day and not once have to look for my friend as i know that as soon as she arives someone on the street is going to say your friend Roman is playing pool at the end of the street, so once she is soughted out im going to get a visit from her.


She arives around 2:30pm and has a few games of pool with me before we sit down and start chatting about last night and my girl. She said that she really likes her and for me to go slowlly and see what happens and not to drink too much as things go abit hay wire when this happens, so i explain that im really happy with this girl and she looks after me when im in NEP and i look after her when we are in Soi Cowboy, so there is no worries how pissed i get im still going to be the same smilling happy Roman that i have allways been but she had not yet see becouse i was with the wrong girl in the first place, so she say ok,hahahahahha.


I get to The Cathouse around 5:30pm and all i can say is wow becouse my girl has gone and had a comleet make over, i mean her hair has been washed and cut, her toes and finger nails are perfect and compleetly shinny with nail vernish and i go up and say wow girl, you look good so she blushed and as she do this she say i really like you so i want to look nice for you :) We sat down at the bar and i had a beer, and say to my girl that when ever she wants a drink she can have one, dont worrie, and she says that she is not going to drink yet, as she is still feeling alittle ill from last nights mission and after my drink we are going to my room for, and she just smilles at me. What am i supposed to say, i have a 21 year old girl sitting opposite me with a white T Shirt and a denim skirt onand rubbing my leg discreatly at the same time, yes i was ready for the room then and there, hahahahahhaa.


I said to her lets goto the room later as i dont want to mess her up after all the hardwork she has done all day, and she says dont worrie about me i will still look the same when we come back out of the room, so im like no worries and before i can say anything else, she is kissing me like mad becouse i think about her and her apearance, and like and noticed what she had done to herself that day. Im really starting to like this girl and am now having the time of my life, so the fastest beer in history has now gone and we were near enough running to the hotel to get to the room :)


WOW, sex is this what its all about, hahahahahha you know what i meen, hahahahahhaha but i cant say anything more then what i have just said, and that is it was absolutlly fantastic and im just thinking through out the whole time, this is just not real my pore dick is going to explode and never work again, ahhaha. After sex, you should have seen us, bloody yousless is what i would call it, shower and fags afterwards were as good as the sex, as we just looked after each other so well, and there was just no thought in it, it was just naturall like to little animals in a forest that look after each other and not think anything of this, but just do :)


We got back to The Cathouse in time for the last drinks before happy hour was finished (thats anouther story in it's self) and had a few more, then ended up at Patpong of all places becouse my girl not go there before, and i tell you after the night we had, she said she is never going to go back there again, becouse we bloody hated every single second of it, what dump if ever there was one :devil: So we decide to call it an earlly night and go home for sleeps, and oh yep, more sex hahahahaha.


The next day we do The Cathouse happy hour and then to Soi Cowboy for lots of drinks and dancing togeather in Tilak, what you will do on beer and finally end up in Afterschool to see my little mate, and guess who is in there and not been taken away that night, yep my little X girlfriend. To be honest with you it was really weard becouse after the last few days me and my girl have had togeather and how close we have grown to one and other, we are so confident that even my girl says to me do you want to go up to her and have a chat, but i say no, as i dont want to even go there, and im happy and i dont want to mess it up by trying to be friends with this girl that i really have no fealings for at all.


We must have been sat there for around 3 hours us just chatting togeather and my friend poping up every now and again, but what a show my X put on for us, she was draging this guy all over the place and then looking straight at me and throwing her arms around him and kissing him all over, i just felt so imbarrissed for her and wished we had never met so i would not have put her in this possition in the first place. After a while i say to my girl that im going out for some fresh air and she say i come, so i say no worries come on Darling lets go and sit outside and do some people watching while we finish off our beers. We went out and sat down and my friend comes up and says would it be ok for her to join us and i say no worries and look at my girl and she looked so happy, (god she was so buitfull that night) so i got my friend a drink and the 3 of us sat there just waffaling away and i say about my girls nails and hair, hahahahhahaha, so she hit me :)


After a couple of mins my X comes out and just stands there by herself infront of us and looks up and down the road, then goes back in and gets a fag and comes back out and just stands there for what must have been around an hour, then we decide after lots of beer it is too hot for us outside, and it is allso starting to feel like it is going to rain any second so we all leap up and run into the bar to find a seat incase it douse. What goes through your head when you are pissed god only knows, but i love it. Were in there for a couple of mins and my girl says that she is going to the toilet, and as the main toilet door clossed behind her, my X girlfriend came running up the full length of the bar and dives intot he toilet after her, and i say oh shit, what is going to happen now, and my mate said dont worrie, i tell your girl that the girl you were with in hear is horrable and not a nice person, so what ever she says to her dont worrie about it becouse my girl is not thick and will not even listen to what ever it is she has to say.


A couple of mins later my girl comes back to our table and i say you ok, and she say yep, no worries and not to worrie about her as she is really happy and nothing can blow the time we have spent togeather and the way we feal about each other. We finished our drinks and i payed the check bin after my girl had checked it thourally to make shoure that everything was fine and when the change come back to the table, she grabed the lot of the tray and shuved it in my pocket and while she is doing this i say to her what about the tip, and she say dont worrie i will take care of it, and she opens her perce and put a 1 Baht coin on the tray and says that it was too much to pay for tip. Hahahahahahha oh shit, im like fuck, it is all going to kick off now, so she looked the girl in the eye that picked up the tray and nothing more was said, end of story :)


After the bar clossed, we went across the road from Afterschool and ended up in this bar that stays open all night i think, not too shore as i had a beer and my girl had a Tequella and bottle of Bacardy breezer, and i could tell she was not happy but she said fuck it after the shot and we started dancing togeather and ended the night when, i have not got a clue, but i do remember having to cary my girl down the stares and look after her for the rest of the night.


She was so sweet when i got her into the hotel room, she just floped onto the bed and that was that, compleetly konked out and snoring away to herself. I got her clothes off her and got her into bed after giving fer a cold cloth wipe down to make her feel alittle better while sleeping that night, and she just looked so cute, so i got changed and had a shower and just currled up with her for the whole night.


The next day we chat, and she say to me a thousand times that she was so sorry for getting so wrecked and this has not happened to her in a long time, and it was something my X had said in the toilet the night before, and that this is never going to happen again :) I told her we all have feelings and that if im with her and she worries about anything again, then to let me know and i will look after her and if it means leaving a bar, becouse she is not happy then no worries thats cool and i totally understand were she is coming from.


We just spend the day in the hotel room sleeping togeather and drinking cups of coffe inbertween as you do, hahahahahah.


That night we went to The Cathouse but only had a couple then went back to the hotel for sleeps, hahahahahaha.


The next morning we wake up around 5am and im thinking my god, who on earth could be calling her at this time of the morning, it bet have not been Kipster100 becouse i'll kill him, we have only been asleep for an hour and a half and i cant even think straight let alone talk to the guy on the phone.


It ended up being my girls mum that is coming to see me, and she is at the bus station now and needs to be picked up :(

Im like ok, so we dive out of bed and hurry into our clothes and with in 3 mins of the call we were dressed and running out of the hotel to get a taxie to the bus station on the other side of town, I NEED SLEEP :( I will be fare, my girl said to me that she will go by herself and see me the next day, but i said i want to give her mum respect from the beginning and not wonder up to her the next day and say hello, how are you kind of thing, so my girl was really happy with this and we had nerlly an hour sleep in the taxi so by the time we get there were not feeling to bad, and quight refreshed with the taxi air conditioning switched on half way.


We meet her mum and i say hello and grab her bag and say we have a taxi wating for us, but she douse not understand a single word im saying and must realisse im ok becouse im smilling at her, or was i just smilling at the mad sittuation that was going on, hahahahhaha.


Instead of going to my room we goto my girls and to be honest with you as soon as we arive i spot her bed and colapes into a deep sleep with out even realissing it. Every now and again i feel her arm rub my sholder to see if i was ok and she was just sat there waffling away with her mum. I wake up to find my girl sleeping next to me with her arm around me and her mum sat upright in a chare just staring and smilling at me, i tell you guy's it was scarry like one of thoughs horror films were a knife suddenly appears kind thing.


After alittle more sleep and me and her mum staring at each other for a few hours and not saying a single word to each other then nods and shakes, i decide i have to have a wash just so i can wake up and feel alittle more normal. My girl finally wakes up, (not though natuall waking but i think it might be becouse i kept poking her in the ribs) and i say hello and lets get to my hotel room so we can have a shower then we can all go out and eat something.


(at this point i no longer have any money, but my girl say to me that she has money and not to worrie) and we cary on like before, just go out and party and now worrie about anything other then having fun togeather :) I really just cant beleave this and i say to her that she should go back to the bar and get her self someone that can look after her and allso spend money on her kind of thing, but she said i like you and only you, this is why i stay :) Ok


We got to my hotel around 3pm ish and shower and start to feel alot better, and she has one so while im sat with her mum i may as well find a thai satalight chanel that she might like and hopfully i can make her happy doing this. What a possition to be in a, the mind boggles, hahahahahah :) After showers im feeling really sick and all im thinking about is my next pint, becouse once i have had a couple i'll be fine again and then i will be able to go out and get something to eat, as you do. The sun really afects me when im there so i dont really eat alot, unless im pissed and suddenly i want to eat everything like grass hoppers and bugs with wings andything i can get my hands on :D


I spend the day with them and in the evening we take her back to the bus station and drop her off and make shoure she is on the right coach for whereever it is she is going, and then we go back to the Cathouse for a couple and then to Woodstock for stake and fry yum yum. While we are in there my girl is so happy and im really happy as well, becouse i have finally met her mum nerve wracking it all was, but it is done now and i can finally relaxe for the first time that day. That night we met up with a new girl that has just started working in her bar and her boyfriend / falang guy and what a night we had, ended up in Soi Cowboy with me and this guy dancing away to some tango music they put on for us and my girl and her dry personallaty bought me some roses to hold while dancing, how did i end up being the girl, hahhahahahahha. The night ended with us in Nana Disco all dancing away to what ever happen to be on at the time, and it was just fantastic, and this night was the night that my girl say to me that she really loves me and the next time i come to Thailand, dont stay in the hotel and to stay in her room instead, and then she asked me to marrie her ::


The next few days togeather was really fantastic, but allthough alot was happening in the middle of a conversation she would mention Isan and say when we go there i will need to bring 300'000 Baht for a new house and anouther 300'000 for a silk company she would like to own, as you do.


Then we got to my hotel room one night after a fantastic night out and she would not let me leave the room in order to get myself a potnoodle from the 7/11. She said if i go out, then i wont come back becouse i will find someone new, and not want to be with her anymore, i just really did not understand what was going through her head, and allthough i sat down with her on the bed and said how can i find someone new, you are in my bed, were am i going to take her, becouse you are hear and i have no money to get somewere else, and what money am i going to give this girl anyway as i have none, and she said i dont need money lots of girls like me so you not need money, and you can stay in there rooms :(


That night i stay in the hotel and eat the horrable food there, yuk yuk to make her happy.


A couple of days later, everything has been good and the love is still there between us and she has not gone weard on me in a while, so im happy and everything is good. We wake up in the morning and she is ill, fever the lot, so i go to the doctors and got her some fever tablets and some parasetomol to get rid of her headacke and once i was back in the room, i just watch television all day while she sleeps and towards the evening i go out and get a friend of mine to help me buy some foods for her becouse she has to eat other wise she is going to become even more ill.


The next day she is ok, but still alittle pasty so i say we stay in again and give it a rest till tomorrow, so she says i have shower and we go out, and after her shower she is looking alot better and after dressing we goto the bar the for a drink as it is happy hour and after a couple im well happy and bouncy and typically roman like :) hahahahahahha.


She is ok, but not her usuall self, so after a while she says that she is going back to the hotel room, but she is really acting funny and i not see hjer like this before, so i dont know if it is becouse she is ill or that it is becouse i said to her in no way am i going to give her 600'000 on my first visit with her to isan or whatever, so i say ok, i get the key for you and let you in, and then i'll stay with you and spend my time looking after you, you look after me and now it is my turn to stay with you, dont worrie, so she barks at me and says go back to the bar and just leave her there without even a thanks or anything.


So im like ok, i'll go back and im going to get shit faced and finally be by myself and party with friends without a girl for the first time since i get to this country :) Im happy and fuck her ?


I see my friend and get a tab going and happy hour is still going so i decide to march on and have a great time, i see my friend at the table, a guy from England and sit down and tell him what had just happened and he say dont worrie and just get pissed, she will love that when you go marching into your hotel room pissed up and gigalling all over the place.


The plan was to just get pissed and slop of home, accept anouther girl in my girlfriends bar decided that she had looked at me from a distance for two long and my girl was not there so she decided to make her move, hahahahahha. I know, whats it like a ?


i was with my girl for 9 days and suddenly im in this bar and i feel a tap on my sholder so i turn towards were the tap was coming from and there was no one there so i turn to look the other way and there she is and our lips meet and the kiss she gave me was great, well better then great, but that is anouther story, hahahahahhaha


Be good and have fun and i wish everyone the best with this mad country :) Cheers Roman


Ps, hahahahahaha That night i broke up with my girl, i wonder why, hahahahahahha will tell you all tomorrow :)


PPS, sorry about the spelling mistakes :dunno:

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romaning2004 -


"The next few days togeather was really fantastic, but allthough alot was happening in the middle of a conversation she would mention Isan and say when we go there i will need to bring 300'000 Baht for a new house and anouther 300'000 for a silk company she would like to own, as you do."


LOL. She thought she had a sucker for sure.


"but she is really acting funny and i not see hjer like this before, so i dont know if it is becouse she is ill or that it is becouse i said to her in no way am i going to give her 600'000 on my first visit with her to isan or whatever"


And here is where she realized you weren't as big a sucker as she had hoped.


"That night i broke up with my girl, i wonder why, hahahahahahha will tell you all tomorrow"


Undoubtably due to your failure to be a good little ATM machine. What's 600,000 THB to a rich farang anyway? LOL.


Good story. Thanks for posting.


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Thanks for the quick summary. I started to get very lost after about the third paragraph. Can you tell me which girl asked for the money and whos mother was involved? I think i need a bex and a good lay down now.

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Norfloxacin 400 -


"Can you tell me which girl asked for the money and whos mother was involved?"


Ahh yes. I do believe I can. Apparently this episode centers around the friend of friend from the CatHouse. The mother rather mysteriously showed up without much warning, but dissappeared just as rapidly so I wrote that part of the tale off.


"I started to get very lost after about the third paragraph."


Yes, it was not the easiest written piece to follow, but I always appreciate people making the effort to write these trip reports. And really, I find some of the smaller details, and people's reaction to them, often more interesting than the main point of the story.

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Hi RedBaaron,


Tell me about it, but as im writting these things and thinking about stuff while im there and some guys i was talking to on my last day in Bangkok, i come to realise that im getting harder in myself, but still trying to be a nice person at the same time :)


The main thing is that im still having fun while learning, as you will see in my next post, hahahahahha.


Thanks mate, Roman


Ps, one thing i learn, ask the girl if she smokes before you take her becouse if you dont you wont get it :(

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Cheers WarHammer,


Im going to write anouther one, and at the same time, im really thinking now of becoming a butterfly :)


The girl im going to write about tonight is the same girl that im going to see the next time im in Thailand, so 'ill see what is going to happen, if it not work out, then sod it, i have tryed but in the end in myself im not ready to settle down yet, have a lot more life in me to go, hahahahahhaha so after my next trip i will let you all know what the situation is :)


Im having so much fun, hahahah cheers Roman

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Hi there Norfloxacin 400,


Sorry about the way i have written my report, i was trying to not youse any names so if anyone knows these girls there not going to be put in it if you know what i mean, and keeping the girls respect :)


Will use fake names next time, will make everything alot easyer to read, hahahhaha.


Cheers Roman


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