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The Mysterious Red Satin Panties (Fiction)


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Arthur hasn?t been in Thermae more than a few minutes when he experiences a momentary panic. Just as he slithers onto the vinyl seat (not too close to the jukebox) he remembers that he is completely out of panties. Well almost. Only one pair left?no?two pairs?the ones he?s wearing, and the red satin jobs from Siam Center still in their plastic wrapper in his pocket. Had it really only been just over a week since he?d bought the last batch? A couple of dozen pairs...in Robinson if he recalled correctly? Where had they all gone? Lost in cheap hotel rooms and distributed as largesse to grateful demimondaines of course but had he really been that busy? Obviously yes. There were the ones in his suitcase in his room but they were trophies and not negotiable?still it was hard to believe he?d gone through over a dozen pairs in less than two weeks.


Across from him in the booth sit two young ladies?oblivious to his predicament. One of them is a fairly average looking specimen of Isaan womanhood and nothing special but the smaller one, the one against the wall, is very attractive indeed in Arthur?s opinion. Unfortunately he can?t make a conclusive judgment until he sees her bottom half, which of course is obscured by the table.


To tell the truth Arthur is getting a bit tired of the usual ?What is you name?? ?Where you come from?? stuff. Sometimes he doesn?t mind but sometimes he finds it tedious. Lately he has decided that the chances of being surprised by an original overture are pretty much nil though he has never forgotten being quietly amazed to find himself discussing Alexander the Great in Lollipop with an extremely bright young lady from Chiang Mai University.


But that didn?t happen often. Arthur orders a beer from the waiter who looks like Chairman Mao and prepares himself mentally for the inevitable opening gambits. Their names as it turns out are Ai and Bee. He is tempted to enquire as to the whereabouts of C but thinks better of it.

?My name you?? Ai, the cute one, asks.

?My name Artoo,? says Arthur, keeping it simple and dispensing with a couple of steps in the process he?s been through so many times.


In fact Arthur isn?t actively looking for company tonight. Not in the market as they say. All he really wants to do is sit quietly with a beer and think about things. But he doesn?t like to be rude either. He knows that these girls have their own share of problems and it is not for him to add to them. He also understands that they are as vulnerable as anybody else to rejection. On the other hand he doesn?t want to show too much interest and get their hopes up. It is a delicate balancing act and over the years Arthur has become quite good at it.


A few weeks ago Arthur had been in the Siam Center, just sniffing around, when he?d come across a new shop that seemed to specialize in underwear for serious aficionados. There were some extraordinary looking garments in the window and to tell the truth he?d found the place quite intimidating. There was no way he was just going to walk in there and show an interest. This was very advanced stuff and the salesgirls would have spotted him as an amateur straight away. Could it be, he wondered, some kind of a katoi outfitters? Hard to be sure without actually going in. He?d always assumed such places existed?where else could they get the hip pads and other amazing equipment? One day for sure he would take the plunge, have a chat with the salesgirls, handle a few things, perhaps even purchase some items?ah?the cute one is getting up and squeezing past her friend.

As Ai walks towards the jukebox Arthur can see that she is very cute indeed. What is she up to he wonders? Spotted a customer has she? Off for a pee? She?d obviously like to be taller if the 6 inch platform soles on her running shoes are any indication...made her legs look like Big Bertha drivers but what a cute little bum. It has given Arthur an idea?a little experiment. When Bee isn?t looking he flips the bag, containing the panties, under the table and onto the seat recently vacated by Ai then sits innocently back to see what happens next.


He can?t remember how it had all started. Had it been early exposure to fashion magazines? Underwear catalogues? Or did it have something to do with sneaking into his sister?s bedroom and heading straight for her drawers? Exciting times they were. Once he had discovered where she kept them there had been no looking back. That had been his first real contact and from there it had only been a short step to actually trying them on. Later of course he?d been able to buy the things himself which opened up a whole new world of experience from using them as handkerchiefs to putting them on his head (still good for a laugh after all these years).


Another thing he liked to do?but look out?Bee has noticed the bag. She glances over at the old farang but he just sits there sipping his Heineken and staring into space. Now she has a problem. Has somebody left the bag there by mistake or did it belong to her friend Ai? What was in it anyway? Lets check?hmmm?something soft?won?t hurt to look?hmmm?looks like underwear. Quickly she moves the package onto her lap. One step at a time. What is she thinking? What happens when Ai comes back? Will she miss it? Is it even hers to miss? What the heck?it?s only a small thing. Quickly Bee stuffs the bag down her bra without the farang noticing.


Bras don?t affect Arthur the same way panties do. He likes swimsuit tops but there?s something about bras he doesn?t care for. They can be so deceptive. Almost sneaky the way they?re used to enhance or disguise things. They can often be padded in an orthopedic sort of way with all sorts of craftily concealed heavy-duty armatures in there?a lot of fiddling around getting them off sometimes only to be disappointed by the contents.


No doubt about it there is no substitute for panties and usually Arthur has plenty of them around. Some of them he keeps for personal reasons, some are souvenirs, some are still in their wrappings. As a rule he carries a few pairs around with him?you could never tell when they might come in handy or when at meetings, in taxis, or just walking along Sukhumvit, he might need the reassuring feel of lace edging at his fingertips.


Arthur certainly doesn?t think of himself as a pervert. Still this fixation of his is difficult to discuss with people. Occasionally in a bar or some place, he runs into somebody with similar interests and it?s possible to have a conversation of sorts. Most guys are broadminded about that kind of thing. The problems usually start when he tries to explain, in philosophical terms, that he sees himself as elevating muff diving an intellectual notch or two. That almost always elicit strange looks and he?s on his own again.


Should he feel bad about it? Bit late for that. He?s been at it so long he?s past caring how he should and shouldn?t feel. Who?s business is it anyway? Who decides that grown men who get excited by women?s underwear should be relegated to the fringes of society along with flashers, bottom pinchers and peeping Toms? Bugger ?em. It?s all harmless enough. Pretty mild compared with some of the things that go on, and come off, in hotel rooms around the city. He doesn?t even think of it as a perversion anymore?it?s gone well beyond that. Obsession? That doesn?t quite describe it either?it?s more a way of life. Something that?s just there all the time. No matter where he is or what he?s doing?there they are?panties...just hanging there?tantalizing and elusive?always just out of reach. Even when he has his face buried in a pair they never seem to be close enough. Why? Why not? Why even bother getting analytical about it?maybe he just likes the darned things. Panties. Sometimes the word alone is enough to get him going? Anyway Ai has come back to the booth wearing a neutral expression. And she doesn?t sit down immediately which seems to bother Bee a bit.


So here?s a brief recap for those who have just arrived. Arthur has slipped a pair of red satin panties onto the seat beside a girl, Bee, in the Thermae Coffee Shop. Bee has tucked them in her bra and now Arthur is waiting to see how she handles her friend Ai. Arthur knows the panties don?t belong to either Ai or Bee since technically at least they belong to him. Bee can?t be sure to whom they once belonged but, for now, which is the only time period that matters, they are hers; she knows that because she has them nestling between her tits.


Arthur can?t hear everything Ai is saying as she stands by the table but he manages to catch something about klap baan (go home) and mai sabai (unwell). At this point he assumes that Bee must be asking herself whether Ai has noticed the missing package but for some reason has decided not to mention it. The mention of ?mai sabai? could be a clue. As anyone who has spent much time in Thailand knows well, one can be mai sabai for a variety of reasons. The expression covers everything from a mild phuat hua (headache) to a drug overdose to a death in the family. It is also possible, as Bee well knows, that Ai could be upset to think that her mate has to all intents and purposes nicked her undies. Thus at this juncture it is critical that Bee demonstrate the appropriate level of concern coupled of course with total innocence. Arthur of course continues to stare blankly at his beer bottle. Thermae is beginning to fill up and Ai wanders off into the crowd again. She is followed shortly by Bee leaving Arthur alone in the booth which is OK by him but then two loud and repulsive farang sit down and he decides to make a slow circumnavigation of the coffee shop.


Thermae is getting crowded now. As Arthur moves among the night creatures he receives plenty of welcoming glances from girls, many of whom he already knows. One of the things that keeps him coming back to Bangkok is the abundance of willing accomplices?ah?he is about half way round when he spots an empty stool, one of the rustic ones, and he decides to sit down on it. No sooner has he done so than up pops a smiling Ai, the cute one, and wouldn?t you know it she starts to rub herself against his leg the way they do. What could she possibly have in mind?


Well she seems like a nice girl so let?s fast forward a bit. They decide that 1000 baht would be about right for 3 or 4 hours of her time. A few other minor details are discussed, and quickly settled, and then we cut to a hotel room where Arthur is watching a bit of CNN and waiting for Ai to emerge from the bathroom, which she soon does, wearing a big fluffy towel and saying something about fai and aircon.


In the meantime of course Arthur has peeked through her neatly folded garments and guess what? Yes you guessed it ?there they are?the red satin panties or some just like them. What a coincidence! Souvenir quality too without a doubt?all the more valuable for having a bit of history behind them.


Chorb see deng mai? Arthur asks. Yes. She likes red ones, but the big question of course is where did she get them? A puan gave them to her. Which doesn?t totally answer the question but Arthur doesn?t feel like pushing things. Too many questions can spoil the mood. He has already pried into her privacy more than he probably should (try saying that after a few beers) and he decides that this is one of those things that are best left unexplained. Another little Thai mystery. A story with no beginning, not much middle and no end.


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