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Regarding my earlier post asking for assistance with the language, I am now moved to make the following observation. I fully agree with Flyzeonthewall remark that it is difficult to "flirt" without speaking the Thai language properly. I hope someday to become conversational in Thai or Vietnamese. My point is that I have never heard a more beautiful language when spoken by women. I think that on my deathbed, I will recall an evening that I met a real sweetheart that I took back to my hotel. She really was sweet. I drifted off, but awoke while she was talking on her phone to her sister, telling her she wouldn't be coming back to the apartment tonight and not to worry. I asked her the next day what she had been saying on the phone which is why I can report the above. But I just have to say that it was so unbelieveably beautiful in that half-sleep state, to look up and see her talking so softly in that melodic, almost poetic language. Taking into account the incredible beauty of her soft brown skin, eyes and demeanor towards me, I just want to say that my love for Thailand far exceeds the bar scene. I can't wait until I come back.

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Hi Koricoboy,


that it is difficult to "flirt" without speaking the Thai language properly.


I would say Yes and No. In my experience most thai girls/women I have met "leave room" for an occasional blunder when speaking to a farang.

And besides they are very different to their western sisters in that they can accept and appreciate compliments. Give a US/european girl the same compliment and the reaction could very well be quite different.

I recall reading your earlier post about your gf`s eyes and although I with my european background would say that was way over the top, it may go very well with your thai gf.

When it comes to thai girls talking, what I personally like most about it is that most speak softly. I don`t appreciate loud aggresive women.


Judging from the contents of your post it seems like a new Thailophile is born. ::

Welcome aboard.



Hua Nguu



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Yeah, that bit about taking a girl to your hotel--that's really your business. However, because you said that, then I assume that the girl you are talking about could have been "chonnabot," and if so, then she probably wasn't talking Thai to her sister, it was probably Isaan, which is basically Lao. Lao is a lot like Thai, but because of their country accents, I think people from the "chonnabot" sound very different than people from Bangkok. So, it may be a combonation of the country accent and issan language that you find to be so beautiful. I would hate for your last dissappointment in life come to you on your death bed, when a girl from Bangkok comes to read you a story and you find it's not the same accent. :grinyes:

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>>>When it comes to thai girls talking, what I personally like most about it is that most speak softly. I don`t appreciate loud aggresive women. <<<



be careful then, mate: DON'T MARRY ONE!!!









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when it comes down to flirting thais are absolute masters. the language so full of subtleties and hidden meanings, the appreciation of rapidly exchanged tease is a perfect flirt language. unfortunately i only rarely have my good language days where i can have a slight chance to win one of those pisstake contests.

yesterday, when i had to renew my visa was not such a day... ::

a couple of 30 something year old female immigration officers decided to take the piss out of me, with some very... hmmm... jokes of questionable nature... :o... i guess that was the revenge from two years ago where i had a good language day with tow of 'em younger ones. now they have pulled up the heavy caliber, and i left the office stuttering (one more year time to sharpen my language skills)... ::





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Says kokoricoboy:

But I just have to say that it was so unbelieveably beautiful in that half-sleep state, to look up and see her talking so softly in that melodic, almost poetic language.



One of favorite video clips from LOS is that of a close-up of my then GF's face as she is talking on her mobile to her Mom in Isaan. Soft, flowing, gentle, with surprisingly very little lip movement used to generate the amazing tones.


The language can be seductively beautiful, in the right hands <mouth?>. At the same time, I'm sure that we've all seen it have the effect of a series of rapidly delivered stun grenades, devastating the target, leaving a slew of paralyzed bodies in it's wake. ::

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i don't have to go to suan plu for my visa, i can go to the priviledged place... :angel:

there the ladys are generally very friendly and intelligent :up: but tend to make those kind of jokes which in another country i might get rich if i would file a sexual harrassment suit :o:grinyes:

i reckon they just enjoy when i walk in that for a change they don't have to deal with a stiff suit but just some guy who speaks decent thai and has been here for a while.








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