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Learning Thai in Pattaya


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I want to get stuck in with a language school in Pattaya, or nearby. I speak OK at a basic level, but I don't reckon I can go much further without some professional tution. Also I want to learn to read :doah:



I noticed the "Prince of Wales" and "PRO" language schools advertising in the Pattayamail. Any recommendations ? Also any info regarding prices .


I would want to be taught on a one to one basis not in a classroom full of Touro-Trash doing their "neung, sawng, sahms" (Although such a place probably only exists in my head.) ::



The ultimate goal is to be able to speak like the bald farang guy on the Ovaltine TV advert "English Minute". Has anyone else seen that ? It impressed the shit out of me ::




Many Thanks




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Yes, I am sorry to say that I am missing out on the fun part as well. ::

But mayby mentors would like to elaborate.

However, I would be surprised if none of the boardmembers could come up with some information on this subject.

I am sure there are plenty of farangs taking thai language classes in Pattaya.


By the way, Touro-Trash? What does that mean? Well, I know the Trash part obviously, but Touro??

Come to think of it, Tourist trash?





Hua Nguu.

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I did 20 hrs (one to one) at 'PRO Language' school last October. 5 mins walk down a Soi across the road from the bus terminal.

think it was 6.5K baht. It's more (per hour) if you book a smaller chunk. They were happy to tailor it to my requirements. I can only comment on my particular teacher (there are several), but I was quite happy and will go again.

Downside is that you are only seperated from other lessons by a small partition which can lead to cross-talk problems, though someone told me you can relocate to another room if it all gets too much.

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I had a problem with them for my GF. They agreed first that they could teach her at home for the same price (the only reason I chose them), and then manoeuvered her in having to go to the school. Typical Issan pumpkin when it comes to fronting "authority:, she did not dispute them. i had to almost bang my hand on the table to ask for what I paid for, (a 2 ride fare from condo to school would have beeen 100 bahts each time and I'd be back in USA, not being able to give her the ride).

I had some hesitations altogether, and problems with the GF as well. the front desk lady had given me a money back guarantee promise if no course was started.


OK, so, I decided to change schools after all, and wait for the GF to cool down about our problems (long story short), the manager did a TIT on me, 24 hours after, though i had asked her to keep the money one day with her, she said money was in the bank, refused to give me the # of school owner ("he is in BKK", yeah, so what?), and finally stood up to me, reneging her promise (not like I am surprised, really, money back in LOS, you naive P127! :nono:).


Eventually, we had someone come to the condo, and GF had her english teacher, and i reckon I set myself up a bit.

Another TIT is that she was telling me "no problem if your GF does not come, you can learn thai next year, when you come again".


I can go along TIT, but in my book, obvious dishonesty will not bring me back there.


UAU has good reviews and intense learning classes, but they are in bang Saen, that's 30+Kms from Pattaya.

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I decided to try the "Prince of Wales" school on third road, just opposite the buffalo bar. The emphasis being more on reading and writing, and then teaching by dictation, rather than conversation.


Course fees 14,300 for 60 hours. I am having 2 lessons a week of 2 hour duration.


I had the first lesson yesterday and really enjoyed it, even though it was fucking hard :doah: I think for me the secret to getting on is going to be the amount of time I put in at home as well as time spent in the classroom.


I spent around 2 hours last night going over what I had been taught. This morning I can write 19 thai characters from memory. So far so good, but its early days yet.





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