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On the telly they show you full colour videos of corpses too. Just last night there was a 60 year old farang found dead in his room and they showed his contorted body lying there. Plus they had a 39 year old woman dragged out of a pond in Nth Ptty. Just no respect for the dead, or the living, for that matter.

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Just no respect for the dead, or the living, for that matter.


that's the way we think (meaning me too, many times), and of course, then judge thais sternly, saying our POV is ZE right , morallly right POV. I think we are dealing with a different way of dealing with corpses once the person is dead. An obvious of TIT vs farang ways, and the twins shall never meet.....

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Well I suppose one could just regard the corpse as a repository for the soul and as such once a person is dead it's just an empty shell. You know more about the Buddhist attitude to life and death than me.






The thing that irks is that family members of the deceased may not think it such good entertainment to have the remains of their nearest and dearest splashed all over the tv in the interests of satisfying ghoulish onlookers. I'd think that goes for Thais as well as Farangs.



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Well, I dunno, but assuming the family members are most likely thai. best would be to ask them, maybe FlyW can speak about it.


I have been to a few funerals upcountry. Very little tears, and the monks sermons are apprently full of joke, given the punctuating laughters. Also, as the whole village or a good part of it comes, it provides entertainment, and for quite a few an occasion to booze up free of charge, or in the spirit of community sharing, as witnessed. And for 3 days.....


I remember my friend in Ubon being totally appalled at one of his students e-mail to her farang BF who had lost 6 relatives in a car accident. there was no real condoleances, kind of "sorry you had a bad week..." stuff.

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Funerals and wakes can be a bit of a piss up back home too. There was a bloke who died around the corner from my parent's home. He was a jazz fan and there was a Mississippi style jazz band playing walking in front of the hearse taking the coffin from his house, (just like in the old James Bond film). I guess the family were following his wishes and sending him off in style.




The thing is that a funeral allows a little dignity and allows memories to be recalled about that specific person. Splashing garish photos and things all over the tv and papers just seems like intrusion and unnecessary. Course I'm speaking from a Western perspective and maybe a Buddhist does not regard the deceased's body as being so important. We all know we gotta go sometime but do we have to know what it looks like to drown or be mangled by a juggernaut?


Actually, Fly may have some ideas on this as I think he posted recently that he goes out and helps pick up bodies of an evening. They have those charitable organisations doing that work in BKK.

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normally I'd leave it at that but I am being accused of posting one line nonsequiters to up my post total, so I will be verbose, ::


OK............ OFF button

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Torrenova & LHL,


simple responses but not practical. You wouldn't be able to watch the news in Thailand if you had to turn it off all the time because there's simply no warning when they're going to show dead bodies in all their glory, often with close ups of the corpse's face, photos of passports or identity cards etc.


Different matter with Mary Whitehouse wasn't it? She was against pornography, swearing etc. Basically anything that she and her National Viewers and Listeners Association thought wasn't quite proper and affected the morals of society. I have no qualms with swearing on tv or porn. The majority of porn stars willingly agreed to be shown for a salary. They knew/know what the deal is.


Can't say the same when you've got the media showing an "identifiable" dead body now can you, (showing the bodies of anonymous victims in war/terrorist attacks shows the horror of such events and may bring home the reality of such matters to people)? Just to satisfy ghoulish curiousity? I don't think the families agreed previously and I don't think most people carry around little donor-like cards agreeing to being shown in their death agonies.


Still, if you think there's no problem with it then we'll agree to disagree.



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