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Car Hire


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I need to hire a car in Bangkok later this month for a round trip to Buri Ram.

Any advice re agents, costs, other things I should think about, I would be grateful for.

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For over a year I have been using Klong Toey Car Rental on Rama IV between Whittayu and the Tollway. Cars are not new but they seem to be reliable. Usually an undented recent model 4 door Toyota sedan w/manual trans., broken radio, working A/C, clean outside, might find some food wrappers on the floor. Also, comes w/o fuel and you are expected to return it empty. I try to bring it back on fumes. Usually I am well below E. smile.gif" border="0

The cost is 1000 - 1500 Baht per day depending on your spokesperson's bargaining skills. BTW, no English is spoken here. They may try to get you into one of the new, more expensive cars that they've just purchased. Up to you, I'll keep renting the 90K km model until I have a problem. The cars seem to be pretty well maintained. You get an official looking rental form, collision insurance (3000 deductible, I think)and tax is included unless you need a tax receipt, then it's extra.

I try not to leave more money than my rental will cost (no credit cards), because sometimes they don't have cash on hand when you return the car, so that means a wait of some kind. A 1000 or 2000 B deposit is normal so if I need the car for 5 days I'll tell them 3, pay the deposit and for the 3 days and then call from the road about the additional time.

You will also be expected to leave some kind of ID, a copy of your passport is sufficient, and a look at a valid license (International is best, but recognizable is OK, too). BTW, I don't think they have a copy machine, so it's best to arrive prepared, including exact change.

This place seems to be the cheapest, most convenient and reliable in the area. Here are the phone numbers: (02)252-0807 or (02)251-9856. Good Luck.

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