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My Last Hour


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Well Its my last hour in BKK before I head for the Airport


Some of my thoughts I've outlined below


Why do street vendors insist on having every chelsea shirt with "Veron" on the back ?? Do they WATCH Football ???


Why do Thais wash their cars halfway through Songkran ??


There are too many girls in Susie Wongs....I mean, how can a guy possibly ogle ALL of them....


Why do tuk-tuk drivers try to get your business, when both of you know that their is a 70 mile traffic jam in front of you and it would be quicker to crawl...


How on earth was the Nana full last Wednesday? I thought it was like the Tardis....infinite rooms.....still made me use the Dynasty which is incalculably better...


Best Bar in BKK : Still Morning and Night.

Best Bar in PTY : Cherrys (see other thread)

Best Bar in Lop Buri : ?????????

Best Gogo in BKK : Silver Dragon (NEP 2nd Floor)

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