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Last visit to LOS, met up with a mate of mine (after his business in Hong Kong). I had been there 3 weeks when he comes over (ready to GO!), can't imagine why, after those 'colorful and friendly' folk in China.

So, after a few nights we both have our favorites. I am walking with mine to meet my mate, when she gets a phone call on her cell (bad sign) and keeps stopping to stay out of earshot of me.

Fuck this, I tell her that I'm going up ahead and she can meet me at the bar where my friend is.

"ok" and an energetic nod was the reply

Met my mate, 10, 20,30 min later...no girl.? ::

Not one to wait around, we take off to another bar and what do my wandering eyes appear? Why it's her on the back of a moped of an 'older' bloke....great!

Up for a good laugh,(she doesn't know I see her)

I walk up next to the moped and proclaim "hello, hansome lady."

OH, the shock and horror on her face as she burried her head into his hairy back was priceless!

My mate and I had a roll with this one!

Well, needless to say there is a (relative) happy ending to this ramble..

Originally she was 1000 bht/LT, but she felt? so bad about the act, called me and apologized over and over.

Supose she was sincere as there was no LT charge for the ride for the remainder of the stay (1.5 weeks).

So, suppose 1000bht + one BG"bust"= 14 free shags.

My math sucks, so could be wrong on this one.....

cheers. :)

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