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My small one is 1 year now!

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He is a big dude, 85 cm's and 13 kilos. Unfortunately, 2 governments are hating us :cussing: So I can not stay with my son yet. I spend a lot of time travelling to see him and his mum, I have been to Viet Nam 2 times this year, and my wife has been here once.


It was frustrating when he was smaller. He treated me as a completete stranger, no wonder - I am not there every day. Is sucks being a dad who is not allowed to live with his son, and when I visit I even have to get a permission to stay in my wife's house. From district office.


He knows me now, when I call on the phone he says "Papa" and "Ba" (Viet for father). I love him and his mum and long for the day when we are allowed to live together. Its pretty hopeless at times - everything takes so much time. Important time is stolen from me and my family. Its 1 1/2 years since I started to try to get my wife here. :banghead: :banghead:


Now, wife can go here - but we still have not gotten a bth'certificate for my son as Viet Nam does not approve of Viet/foreign babies outside of marriage.

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