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Analysis: Elite Card fails to impress


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I think the card was a good concept, but it failed because it didn't really offer anything the average Joe can't already have for less. For instance if it offered true land ownership, that would have been a reason to get it. Or if they offered a visa that didn't require showing up every 90 days at the immigration bureau and paying 1900 baht for a stamp, that would give it an advantage. Instead, the elite card offers nothing more than a coupon book which is a huge negative in itself because it limits you to their services in order to benefit. Their services could be further away than you want, not matching personal preference, not available yet, and of course lots of the types of service a given individual would just never want. The elite card makes visiting Thailand more expensive than ever before while at the same time limits personal choice. It seems during the brain storming sessions defining the priveledges they were missing the guy at the table who would raise his hand and say "uh guys, so why would someone want this thing?".

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