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Lost Photo


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My best Thai friend is Mon. She does TTM at a reputable(?) place on..... She is 33, married with an almost grown up son.

They work the farm up north while she generates a modicum of cash down here.


We are very close. She is also quite close to my wife and son. Something like a favourite aunt...


A while ago she was talking to my wife about a photo taken of her as a young woman (17 I believe) on the day before her wedding. Mon said the photo was degrading fast and my wife offered to take it to a photo shop, get it copied, blown up, resurrected , whatever...


OK , nothing happened for a while then one time I saw Mon she gave me the photo to take home so that my wife could effect the manipulations....


I handed over the photo and thought little more about it 'til weeks later I noticed nothing was happening re my wife's/Mon's project. Mon meanwhile was up- country.


So then it emerged that the photo was missing, mislaid, though it is unclear how it could possibly be definitively lost..


We look and look..


I havent contacted Mon for about a week now, which for us is a very long time, because I dont know what to say?

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I have been there. Part of a previous job of mine was producing duplicates of old photos. i did many thousands.

the only time ever that i lost one, was when I was given a dozen or so by an old friend. his wife's grandparents, who perished in the camps in the second world war, were on one of them.


that's the one I lost.


Imagine my embarrasment.


it was never found again, and not for lack of looking.


There is not much you can do, except for apologising profusely.

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