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When They Lose It........


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Friends of mine recently returned from what turned out to be a rather scary experience.


They were on their first trip to Thailand, stayed at the same hotel as I did. Their regular TukTuk driver suggested that they go watch a Muay Thai fight in Phuket Town.

Never having seen that they were both up to it so off they went.


Upon their return to the hotel I was surprised to se the wife looking kind of shaken and the husband holding his arm around her in a comforting way.


I soon got the story:

They had been watching the Muay Thai fight and it seemed that there had some serious betting going on prior to the match.

So when the fight was over a thai guy who happened to be a MIB pull out his gun and started firing wildly in the air.

As of luck nobody was hit and he was subdued by means of a chair by some of the staff.

The TukTuk driver told that the MIB´s guy had lost the match and subsequently the MIB had lost his money and thus consequently he lost the plot. ::


Few days later, we got to watch how the ambulance crew dragged a tourist from the wawes at Kata Beach. I suspect that the rip tide had taken him or he had had a seizure and he was dead.


During the same week, their neighbours - 2 young girls staying in a room of their own - woke up in the wee hours of the morning only to discover that the door was wide open and their light back pack containing cell phones and a wallet was missing.

In fact there were 3 breakins at the same hotel during their one month stay.


Their trip turned out to be a tad more "exiting" from what they had anticipated.



Hua Nguu

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