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Travelers Checks


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I see no point in travelers cheques at all. For backup, I just have a few green backs.

Traveler checks can be easily replaced if lost, stolen, or damaged; whereas ATM cards and cash cannot. Some credit card companies will expedite replacement of their cards, and some will not.


I took intense pleasure and satisfaction from using my ATM card around the world, until the sad day when the magnetic strip was scratched as the card was being ejected from an ATM. When I finally found the direct dial number for my bank, I was told they couldn?t overnight a new card to me.


Magnetic stripes might not get scratched or demagnetized often. But when they do it sucks big time, and can really ruin a vacation.


A few years ago, a pirate with sticky fingers made off with a couple of my AmEx checks. AmEx delivered replacements to my hotel within 24 hours. Gotta be happy with that?


One additional caveat about cash; it doesn?t help a country?s money supply to leave currency behind in other countries.


The rate at the Nana is usually reasonable enough that I don?t mind changing TC?s at the cashier, and that enables me to spend that much more time at GBB instead of paying a visit to an ATM somewhere.


My take is that a baht or two saved here and there isn?t going to make my vacation; but if a baht or two spent here or there broke my vacation, I would really have to re-evaluate the wisdom of traveling in the first place.

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