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The first, second and third times we fucked I couldn?t. Though almost persuaded to listen to our flesh, one last heave.


Why am I putting myself through I thought inconsequentially. So many, more erotic for being less perfect, rainbow coloured fish in the sea.





As our fucks wore on she told me quite a lot. About the three and foursomes and who had taught her what. That, how, before her accident, she would sometimes have three, even four punters in one night. How all falang were butterfly, and lied and lied which suited her lifestyle. The contempt armoured. Except there wasn?t only this disdain. She was sometimes coquette, her prey occasionally worthy, and rarely her successes buoyed her.


She didn?t make love so well though. Maybe it was just that everybody wanted her and she was young or ruined or both. Or perhaps finally just because of a diffident nature, I wondered


She only admitted to orgasm once in our first few months and by then I had got used to her refusal to saamoke and her lassitude on top. She always turned to be finished doggy style because the customer comes quickly and she had to participate very little.


Always so shy, it was difficult sometimes to believe what she did for a living. But slowly even our permafrost was melting slightly. There was evolving a kind of no-nonsense gymnastic ease to our coupling accompanied by talk, which approached real tenderness, neither could I ever discount her virtually flawless beauty.


But, even so, I didn?t know really why I still went along with it. Moon said it was because Surin girls cast good spells and the atavist in me agreed.









But one night, months later, after the gold, at a zigzag in our lives, we made love.


Almost in darkness she nuzzled up her electric ass, every curve mysteriously leading to the cunt. Our room became a pressurized cabin in a turbulent storm. Trying to close my eyes to stifle the senses only made an inner light burn brighter. Rolled on her back, legs falling wide open, her body willing conception, dreamily siren said ?one time no condom ok? This time. I pounded. She strategically hung back, absorbing all pent-up desire before turning her particular spinal half twist, folding one flamingo leg back on itself, body so flexed as to be penetrated more.




Still I wouldn?t finish. I felt the flimsiest wave of withdrawal; her agenda frustrated.

She inverted the gravity and planes of our body. Where had this creature been hiding? I dared look. For the first time she didn?t object. Collecting the strands of her hair to be able to gaze at her face, to see the splash of engorged corrugated brown which crowns her shivering breasts. Her orgasm anguishing our genitals.




She was tiring from this dangerous nakedness. I wanted her pliant doll, tits down ass up. Such exposure now between defeat and love. No longer strong, her legs only splayed, pushing her cunt into an obscene prominent relief and making my coming bathetic.



Our minds cannot bear too much ecstasy.

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A lot of my experience in P4p is mirrored here. Often, our separate and usually disjointed agendas, prevent a synchronous experience of joy.


Much of the time, for her, it is simply work, a chore, another kitchen bench to be wiped, basket of rice seedlings to be planted, or falang to be finished off. Sometimes, it coincides with her being in a mood to be satisfied, or having achieved an inkling of trust, familiarity or even empathy with her client.


i hold no illusions. at my ripe age of 5x, i don't really imagine my physique is the cause of her seeming 'excitement'. But sometimes, there is a synchronicity of needs and desires, sometimes helped by slowly growing minute beginnings of trust, the vague feeling on her behalf that this may not be the worst of falang to hang out with.


I may seem a trifle disillusioned, but I'm not. I think that, age and physique non withstanding, some of the girls can recognise those who are not only there for wham-bam -TYM, but are willing to spend time and effort (and $$) to build up rapport, willing to make an effort to get to know her as a bit more than a masturbatory aid.


there is this carapace to break through, but it can be done, and if successful, I believe it can be rewarding.


Thank you Romp, for sharing this intimate experience with us. i just wish i had the language to describe mine in such a manner.


As your stories progress, it becomes increasingly clear why you're so smitten with the lady in question.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just read the last half dozen stories. While the ambiguous way that you write your stories is frustrating as hell, obviously that is also why the IP is so compelling as she finds her way (and you find yours). Your stories always leave me in the dark with my own experiences with my lost love(s) filling in the blanks. Its where i belong i suppose. keep up the good work :up:


why do i think this crossing of two lovers in the void of soi cowboy will not end with the lovers truly joining forces? Not your intent?


I know you won't answer :: so i'll wait for you to throw out the next poetic bone.

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ML wrote: "Very well said. When it happens it makes the P4P label seem all wrong"


Where are we?


The thing is this P4P thing has got me beat. It is P4P, It isnt p4P, it is P4P down a trompe l'oeil corridor with all their Giaconda portraits, trailed out on the walls.


Is it a science fantasy: where you experience everything you really desire though it may not be what you think you want?


So there is a Soi-Cowboy Gaia type equilibrium organ which majestically channels you to the girl you need according to the parameters of any given evening.


Or we can darken this to ruin innocent sleep: you get only what you deserve, being lured by a similar hand-maiden dressed in a veil of the illusion of choice....

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>>Is it a science fantasy:<<


A newbie thinks the circumstance of he and his lady being together is the real thing, a real relationship.


I see many punters who have been around for awhile say its an illusion so don't be stupid pay ur money and move on.


But at the core of the illusion is an eternal, spellbinding and poignant reality most will never perceive. One can get a glimpse if one is willing to risk putting his head thru the heavy curtain separating the bar from the street, eyes blindfolded. You have yours on?

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