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Why can't she tell me why she left me?


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khwaimaisabai said:

Hi msd,

It has only been a week. Stay cool and please don't talk about suicide or making big decisions because of this.

I find excessive drinking a good cure for insomnia.

Anything could happen.




Thanks guys for the good advice! I'll just wait and see what happens the next two weeks...

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Breaking up is never fun, especially when questions go unanswered.


Maybe she has been seeing another person?


Maybe she sees incombatiability issues?


Maybe she is insecure?


Has she done this with others? How old is she? How much education does she have?




Believe it or not, because she speaks English well, she might be the type that goes from one falang to another - milking them for all they can get. It is a game to them.


Provide more info and maybe we can help.

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Last night I was close to suicide


What you are going thru is possibly the most common emotion in the world. Happens to the best of us.


I know exactly how you feel, been known to lose over 10 pounds in 2 weeks on top of sleep (and in fucking Pattaya too!!!). In a few weeks, a few months, you will laugh at yourself for being so sensitive. You are basically in love with being in love, and wallowing in the pain. Plays the damnedest trick on people, that one... But it has nothing to do with her or love, just in the intensity the "missing" part gets hammered in you.



Go to the nearest mirror, and have a good laugh at the mess you see in it. I also thought for years, it was true feeling, but after so many chicks and so many recurrences, Thanks to finally becoming an old monkey at it, i am sure the brain glands release some chemical enzym that can exagerate the sense of loss and low self-esteem in some of us, especially in people who have a "thing", phobia of being rejected.




Don't stay alone, so maybe a trip is indeed a good choice. And you have us here too. If it's that bad and you have little friends, some of us can call you. It's not good to keep it all inside right now.

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P127 offers good advice. Try to be around other people. If you have friends there who you feel you can talk to, get a shoulder to weep on. Even if thats unknown people, there can be comfort in that.


Take a break from work if you can, get away from it all. I can not offer advice about your girl. I don't know her.


If it gets too hard to bear, quit work there and start fresh a new place.


Good luck and do take care!!!!!!

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Some excellent advice from all the posters above.

I can't offer anything new, except that I know exactly where you're coming from. If you could harness the energy generated by love, you could light up an entire city. When I broke up with my ex, my mate thought I was going to wear a hole in his carpet pacing up and down just thinking about her every waking moment.


It's an old cliché, but it's true: time heals all things. I'm still fond of my ex, but the trauma and drama have passed.


There are plenty of girls in Pattaya to distract you. Not a cure for the heartache, more like an aspirin to ease the pain a little.


As Buddha said: this too shall pass.


Good luck, mate.



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The way to get over a woman is to have other women. A time tested formula.


You are not going to accomplish squat wondering and waiting for her to come back to you or give you an explanation. Go and live your life and get involved with other women. Always keep a couple of chicks on the side is my philosophy.

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