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The Ugly American Moves... pt 2


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"We-ell we movin on up, to the East Side, to a DEE-lux apartment in the sky-i-i-..."

Actually my apartment is only on the 3rd floor, just upstairs from an organization committed to ending the trafficing of women. (wonder how they feel about bargirls) It came furnished, but that only meant a bed, a place for clothes, and a desk with chairs. The landlord, who was anxious...overanxious, to get AUA teachers there, stopped by almost daily with a table or painting and to again plea for me to recruit new tenants.

My first shower I noticed a new problem, no hot water. Now, the hippies will tell you that it's hot enough that a real man doesn't need heating. That may be so, but have you all noticed how bad those same hippies smell??? Me thinks they could could a hot shower themselves.

Now, true, as my classes wouldn't begin til the late afternoon I didn't need extra heat most days. But when it rained, or during a morning shower, I became an old lady, getting under the water one pinkie toe at a time. I would eventually buy an electric heater at Makro, but for 2 months I sang soprano as my balls made their way back from whence they came.

Other things came easier. I found where to stash my trash with little pain, and with Gummiguts kindly assistance, I picked up my computer from storage (thanks again LG) and got it hooked up. Even after lugging it around half the world, with the exception of the printer, the blasted thing worked...for awhile. (More on that later)

But laundry. LAUNDRY!!! I tried to ask downstairs with the security lady, but I only got the blank smile from behind confused eyes. There was a laundry lady about a block away, so for 10 bht per item (and a 3 day turnaround) I became a member. Meanwhile, the economics of paying 10bht per sock soon got to me, and I bought myself a little washtub, and began darning my own underwear like an old russian jew lady. Still today, you can often see my unmentionables drying from the clothesline off my balcony. If your taking the tour of the homes of the silly falang, I'd advise driving by during halftime of the Monday Night Football (American) game, which is when I can usually be seen hanging them.

Even though I finished work by 9 pm and had til 5 the next day, I rarely took the opportunity to head into town. I would usually hit Sukhomvit once or twice a week, depending if there was a dance contest. The time and money it took to get downtown made the casual trip almost non-existant. Also, making 30K a month only left enough dough for 2 or at most 3 barfines a month. (I should note that I'm a stickler for budgets and goals, and I intended to save at least 5K per month...and I did)

The saddest part of all this was that the people whom I'd looked so forward to seeing, those who I'd first met in Bangkok and who had helped me make the decision to move, were not to be a part of my life for awhile. The Friday Woodstock meetings were out because I wouldn't be able to ge there til 10, by which time most would've moved on. So, I lived for the dance contests...one of the few times when I could see some old friends and have some cheap fun Bangkok style. I soon became known for my wild antics sitting next to the stage judging these exhibitons...but more on that later.

So, I had two separate worlds, my Nanaplaza friends, and my teacher friends. The one guy who bridged this gap was Gummigut, who had been with me in Ban Phe, and had known me from this board before that. If time spent together means anything, than he became my best friend here, hitting both adult oriented, and family friendly locations. Shortly after the Sept 11 bombing, we got into a war of our own on these boards, but in person we always got along. For me, the best part is that the girls he shows any interest in always seem to come over to me. Face it buddy, you're the Rhoda to my Mary.

But, wait a minute, you say, we always heard that you were so wild. Don't you shag a new chick every day?!?!? Don't we always see you surrounded by chicks in the clubs, sometimes with you in the middle of oral penetration?

Well, yes, the above is true, but...hold onto your hats, in my over 5 months in country I've been with a total of...six women. Why do I seem so popular? Well, being a judge doesn't hurt, but I think it has more to do with my attitude. I really like these women as more than just a warm mushy spot. I tend to smile frequently, and enjoy talking to them. I think it makes them comfortable. Plus, I look like a buddha, so they may think that being nice to me will get them into heaven. And, yes, those who I do take home, frequently see the Almighty.

But six girls do not mean six times...far from it. You may remember that I had a long term type bargirlfriend named Ta from a Nana gogo. We have known each other since my first trip, and she has always been the person I think of first when deciding what to do with my free time. Our relationship has developed into more of a friendship than anything else, as I will often meet her for a movie before she goes to work, or she will use her holiday from work to come spend it with me. Either way, I don't pay barfines, and, as often as not, we are platonic friends...which suits me just fine. I am scheduled to go with her to a non bargirl friend of her's birthday party next week.

Much later I would meet another girl at a dance contest that I am grooming into the same type of relationship. But more on her later. So, suffice it to say, on the sexual front, while I am not worn out, neither am I unsatisfied.

This was something I was concerned about. Like living in Las Vegas, or next door to Disneyland...would the sheer convenience of the Bangkok nightlife make the amazing experience it is seem mundane? So far the answer is no, as my remote location and low funds kept my nights out infrequent enough to still be special.

So after my first six weeks in Bangkok, I was to get my first weeks vacation. Planned to hit Cambodia the day after a dance contest. The date, September 9...

Next, the U.S. is at war, and I'm lying in a puddle of my own mess on the bathroom floor.

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Great post/story. I hope I'll have some fun stories to tell when I get there.

Man...u make only 30,000 and still manage to save 5,000 a month. That's outstanding! At this rate youcan really retire soon wink.gif" border="0

(just teasing) Keep up the great stories. I'll send a nice lady over to help with your laundry when I get there.

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A chapter a day isn't likely. It takes too much time to do daily, plus I think it's better to leave time for as many people to read each edition as possible before the next one comes out. Also, the feedback I recv from each part can help me to decide what to put in the following one. One every 4 days is more my style. Look for the next one in the middle of the week.

Meanwhile, for the rest of you, please let me know if there's anything in particular you're interested in. I have no secrets.

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What about phone lines for your internet connection? Did the appartment come with phone installed or did you have to get it done yourself? Was it much hassle?

That was another good report BTW, cheers.

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This was another of the reasons I chose this apartment. (I talked about this in the TEFL exposed report which is why I didn't go into it here.)

The apartment came with it's own phone line, which allows me to use my computer here. Also, they don't give a surcharge on water, electricity, or phone, so I'm charged exactly what comes from the city. Because of this, my additional expenses for utilities are quite low. Usually 400 bght for phone, 400 for electricity, and 200 for water. I use a fan constantly, and the air conditioner sparingly.

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Hey Dave...As always, a great report. More please.

One topic: how do you keep yourself amused when you're not sanuking? You mentioned MNF... does your TV really get this? Do you check out movies? Do you rent videos? Do you go to museums? Just curious how your lifestyle differs from the one you had in the States...

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Thanks. Those utility rates do sound low compared to some I've heard quoted. 10 baht per item laundry fees sounds positively expensive for Thailand though!

I think I would have been a bit apprehensive about taking a job and an appartment way out in the suburbs away from the farang areas. It does sound kind of isolated. Obviously you seem to be having a good time but I would echo Sammy's questions, with all your Nanaplaza friends downtown and nightlife having to be rationed due to budget constraints how are you faring in your free time in a rather Thai part of BKK away from the farang ghettos?

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