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The Accidental Occidental Tourist (Warning: Very long)

Central Scrutinizer

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A harrowing ordeal that must have been! Luckily no one was seriously injured. A hell of a way to start your married life! How long have you been married? Are you still spending time in China, or have you gone back to the west to live? I'd love to hear some of your stories of your time spent in rural China! Err...why the hell did you let your driver drink anyway? Just into the wedding party spirit? He had some nerve trying to get you to pay for his vehicle's damage! They truly do seem to think we westerners shit dollar bills every time we squat, don't they? Glad to hear from you, and glad you enjoyed the story. Later.


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Yeah, the truck driver was a decent sort. I actually at one point told my wife I'd be willing to pay for half the damage, this was after hours of these damned SALT treaty talks where my mind was numbed with boredom, she would have none of it, and seemed adamant I not pay one satang. "You not make my dee sweetheart, he make my dee, he pay!" She thought me mad to even suggest it! :-) "Hell, dear! Then let's get ON WITH IT!! This is taking forever!" I muttered back at her. Thais have no concept of wasted time, or nearly none at all of time itself and its value to us farang. Sigh. Glad you liked the story Oz. Thanks for taking the time to let me know.


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