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Sponsors lock horns for the first time


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I will not describe the local geography of the context though it is not unimportant:


?Today customer telephone. He want see me tonight. I say, cannot,I see sponsor ?I see you? He say he want sponsor me?.send money every month?.he come Bangkok only little bit?



Conjuring silence from the cacophony inside, after a decent interval I said:


?How long you know him?


?Long time?


?How long?..one year.. two year..from when you work Long Gun?


?Forget? 5, 6 months?


I had moved over to the corner of the room to smoke a cigarette. She was feigning catatonia on the bed, with mind and spirit alive like an electric storm.


Though I knew better than to ask more, knew better that I would.


??finish already.. he angry me..have many lady?


Why was she telling me this?



I thought of the elaborate signs we live by and how, about a week before, she had casually said


? Now I gluaa go with customer. I no want he like me?




?I have you? I no want fighting customer?


But in daily life you cannot follow every spoor, or ever.




?Do you like him??


?No? delivered fast yet drawn out by a vibrato, echoing sincerities.


Should have left it there.


?How many times he fuck you?


?? 4, 3 times,? I thought it probably factored down by delicacy and fear. Then fuzzy left field; I am using her too. She is making me a writer though might never see her village again.


?OK?, I said, chastening images of the night without her ahead. ?I telephone you tomorrow no want you answer. Tuesday can.?


At this, she giggled richly, from somewhere in the depths of her health.



As we rode to our homes in the taxi together, quiet, she only interrupted; ?I do one time already?I stay room friend dont know I work bar..??



Her getting out near the pedestrian bridge; faint practice for the letting go.



Why don?t they sell roadmaps of the soul?

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