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Thai ITV news expose' on Surin underage sex today

Central Scrutinizer

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Just saw this on ITV. They'll be closing down a few places from what the wife says. Seems there is this shop that made a pub in back. Highschool girls were going in there with older friends, who would get them drunk, explain to them they could make 500 baht for having sex with men/patrons. The girls that went for it got 500 baht, the "friends" made 1000 baht for the arranging of the trysts. Seems mostly Thais were involved, but it was mentioned that some farang were hanging there as well and may have participated. Also the same thing has been going on in a disco there as well. They had a Surin cop on the TV show by telephone asking him if they knew of this and what they intended to do about it and all. The shit will hit the fan here now it was on the ITV TV show I'm told. Prediction by the wife is that they close down all the bars, discos and karoke places on this one soi for 60 to 90 days most likely. This is the soi next to the Thong Tarin Hotel where the lone Surin gogo bar is located.


Figures. I have some friends coming up in the next week or so and was going to take them for a walkabout of the "sin" area of Surin for a look-see and a beer maybe in the gogo. Maybe even hit one of the discos as well. Now I doubt anything much will be open. Hope they stick it to the owner of the illegal "pub" where this was supposedly going on mostly. Should make the Bangkok Post tomorrow, so have a look.


From what I am told some of the girls (underage-14, 15, 16) called ITV and told them about this. I haven't yet heard why exactly they went to the ITV people with this. A couple girls were interviewed by telephone as well on the show. (Or maybe it was audio tape?)


Glad to see they now are exposed to scrutiny by the media and this shit will be shut down quick. Watch the news for more on this, or the papers.


It can happen anywhere really. This just goes to show why it pays to be careful out there in the bars and venues, and to always check ID's or get the hell out of anyplace where the ladies look too young. Hopefully the adults involved get what they deserve ... long prison sentances.



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As if closing all the bars on the Soi will address the roots of the problem behaviors.



"...get the hell out of anyplace where the ladies look too young"


Actually, this sounds like pretty good advice, no matter where one is, even (for example) in a crowded and popular bar on a main street.

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Hi Cent


I thought that this sort of deal was quite common in Thai brothels and massage parlours.


In fact over the many years I have been coming to Thailand it is Thai men who have encouraged me to try the young teenage girls and have in fact been surprised that i am not interested in 15 and 16 year olds.


From your experience do a lot of Thai men prefer the younger girls?

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Hopefully the adults involved get what they deserve ... long prison sentances.


Hi, cent

Sorry i could not make it to Surin, plans started a bit later than i thought, had to go fast to Khon kaen and then to Sukhotai by mid-week after a few days. And having traveled thru India and Myanmar, i've had it with long bus rides (KK-Surin-KK :(), old now (was 50 last saturday). To boot, you sent your phone# about a week after I asked it on PM here, was not sure if there was any excitement about meeting me.


About this topic. who goes to jail, the real people, powerful ones behind these business, as well as the ones who took bribes from them in the police force? I mean, these stories come out, like these thai MPs or senators caught red-handed with pre-pubescent boys and girls, but I never hear about the sentencing, and when i talk about it to people, they have no idea what story i talk about.


Unlike places like belgium or France, US where pedophily is followed up strongly by the courts and the medias, and people often go on the street to demonstrate against these shameful businesses and sickos. If thais were more vigilant, no one would dare open up a not so secret business like that ( I bet your wife was not surprised it existed, thais deplore but never raised an angry red flag against most anything, so used to corruption and justice/police arbitrariness they are). My friend Steve goes to Surin often, he knows that street you speak about, there was no secret about the underage habits in some places.


But I really hope Thailand is keeping the shaping up, it's nowehere near where it was years ago. I liked the hotline posters against pedophily around Pattaya this year. Paid by US NGOs maybe, but still, a visible frown on such activities.

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Zorro and All,


Latest on this front is there were NO farang involved at all, only Thais. Thank Christ! I certainly wouldn't want to be walking around the city with the citizens thinking all the farang in the city were somehow deflowering the local teens in the discos and that "pub". You know how a local citzenry can get once news like this comes out. As we see all the time a group can be painted all with one brush when stuff like this goes on.


Zorro, yes, I know some Thai men who seem to prefer young ladies, very young in my opinion ... too young. I had a couple of my wife's nieces living with us for a while as they were going to school locally and we had some extra rooms. 15 and 16 year olds. They would help out in the shop after school and after finishing their homework, partly toward their room and board, as they paid nothing for the rooms being family, and we fed them as well, and damn can these growing Thai girls put away the chow! :-)


They were "hit" on all the time by the older boys and even the older men. Much suggestive comments were made when it was thought they couldn't be overheard. One kid about 25 years old even wanted to have us ask the youngest's mother if he could marry the lass. Even put out a sin sot figure of 50,000 baht and brought his Dad to see her in the shop one night. My wife and Sis basically told them to buzz off. She's 15 for chrissakes! And the suitor is 25. He was infatuated with her, but for god's sake let the girl finish high school at least.


They, Thai men, (some) do seem to put a huge premium on youth and virginity and all that. Jesus! The girl would make a horrible wife to begin with! She was lazy as all hell, a horrible student as she was basically lazy, couldn't cook a lick, hated house cleaning and ironing, and is basically a kid in all things except in knowing how to shake her ass when the horny dogs are sniffing about in the shop when she was working.


Plus she wouldn't listen to us or follow our rules for her to stay with us. Rules being straight home from school, do your homework, help around the shop and house, do your own laundry and clean your own room, things like that. The wife and Sis had to tell their sister they wouldn't let her stay with us any more, as they were afraid she was going to get knocked up and did NOT want that happening while she was in our care. Sent back to Mama, who then passed her on to her grandfather to watch, who is old and senile and who the girl never listens to. I would not doubt actually if this one neice is maybe involved in what happened at this pub and the disco really in Surin.


She was headed for trouble this one. Too damned sexy for her own good and very aware of it and her effect on the guys. My wife and I tried to help her since she was a little girl really, and Uncle Cent would take her out (with the wife you pervs!) to the BigC or other local stores and buy her new shoes and clothes a couple times a year. (I've known her since she was like 5 or 6 years old.) She came to the movies with us every Friday night when she lived with us, out to eat every weekend, basically we treated her like another daughter. Gave her twenty baht a day for lunch money, (same as I give my own daughter every school day) as her mother never sent her enough for expenses once she paid for the schooling and uniforms. A bright kid as well. Learned English like a natural linguist. Lazy though. Shame though as she has a good brain really. She was raised in Pattaya where her mother works as a 'manager' of bar beers, a few different ones over the years. Some here may even know her mother.


Sad stories abound here in Thailand. Her mother used to joke how one day her daughter would find a rich farang and she (Mama) would be set for life. Used to piss me off royally when she joked this way. That mentality is quite prevelent here, and I know she, Mama, wasn't really joking deep down. It was her dream I think. Kid never really had a chance. She'll listen to Mama one day, and probably end up in some beer bar or gogo one day soon. Trying to hook that one "jai dee" generous farang, who Mama will try to bleed dry.



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Hey old friend. Long time no see. Hope things are going good for you and yours.


As for this stuff, well, they clamp down tight, over react as it were, especially now its go onto ITV television. A show of force. Makes it look like they are actually doing something. When it all blows over and is old news, it'll start up elsewhere later.


From what I've heard over the past few years this stuff is big in Japan, and a lot more 'high-tech' as well. All so the girls can buy the trendiest clothing and accessories, and have a lot of spending money to impress their peers. Same same here. Happens in the West as well. Rampant consumerism and commercialism. The ads are directed at the kids. If Mama and Papa can't provide enough for them to be cool and look cool, well, some will do whatever to get what they want to be so, in their minds. And some will take advantage of this shit as well, the predators.



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Ah, that's too bad. Let me know if you change your mind. I was looking forward to meeting you. Like I said, my memory isn't as good as it once was, no lack of excitement to meet you my friend. Just very busy the past couple months with this schoolwork I've been doing. Tons of studying and homework assignments. (So far all A's for the courses.) Now almost done with the Intermediate Technical Writing class, finals this week. Next on to Advanced Tech Writing class and certification.


So, fifty huh? Hell man, that's not old! I'll be 52 in August. Rest your weary bones a while and grab a nice VIP bus to Surin to finish off your trip for a few days. I'll be here until the first couple weeks in June before going back around the 15th to the states for a month or 5 weeks. (Daughter's birthday in July. Was told to be there or be in trouble! :-) )


Rest up you old fart. Another bus trip won't kill ya! :-) You have my number. Give me a yell if you change your mind. Where are you now anyway? Pattaya? I may be stopping there just before I leave on my way to BKK in June. Let me know if you'll be around if you don't make it up here. We can meet on Jomtien for a beer and a chat if I get in there on my way back! :-) (There's a couple other guys I'd like to meet there as well. We could have a night out on the town together and all meet!) ::



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to finish off your trip for a few days.


It was finished on the 14th, aie!!!!


Bah, will be there next year again, and actually the big 5 0 might get me into a change of situation and life (that would be heading East of course). We all owe it to ourselves, to make changes and take risks. At 50, fit to do that, less so in 10 years.

the shame is, my buddy Steve drove to KK when i was there, but I have taken my photography seriously this year, and gave priority to assignments i gave myself. That very day he went, I went to a colorful monkey festival in Kosum Phisai, always been a sucker for these festive occasions. That's the reason why i also went to Si Satchanalai a few days after (more bus rides).


KK is OK, quite cosmopolitan, affluent, less traditional than Ubon, discos and clubs have a BKK feel, you feel ignored all night long, then as you exit the premises, some girl taps you on the shoulder "dying to meet you", as Mick jagger sang....


Some nice rural roads and spots to ride thru, and a great river beach by the Chee river (I think that's how Steve called the river). Cute "cheer beer Chang" girls there.


Issan still delivers!

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