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Yes, learn to read/write Thai


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I just wanted to put out my opinion about learning to read and write Thai to those considering learning the Language. My first teacher in the US, a Thai, started me leaning the alphabet right from the start, along with learning spoken Thai, and I'm very glad she did. Here's why:

- It's not THAT hard. It's very consistent and phonetic, especially compared to English.

(Ever considered how rediculous it is for every word in an English dictionary to be followed by it's correct pronunciation? And the pronunciation guide isn't even stictly speaking in Engish!)

- When you consider all the other efforts involved in learning Thai, pronunciation and developing a large vocabulary, grammar, etc. it's actually a small part of learning the language. Less than 100 symbols and a very managable number of 'rules'. It does take practice, but it does become much easier.

- It helps considerably with understanding correct pronunciation. Engligh approximations are just that - approximations.

- It helps many people with remembering words. As a visual person, I often initially remember a word by remembering how to spell it.

- You don't waste time learning some hacked together system for spelling Thai words in English. Note that this system is likely to change if you change schools, teachers, etc.

- It's something you can mostly do on your own without a teacher. And opportunities to practice your reading are all around you when in Thailand.

Oh, yeah, and you'll be able to read and write Thai too. It's nice to be semi-literate.

Sure if you want just basic Thai for getting around, don't bother, but if you really are serious about being proficient, take the plunge early on.

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I may add that learning to write and read is something that most of us can do, if taking the time and doing the effort. Learning to understand we also can do, most of us in my opinion, will only be able to speak with lots of mistakes though, but being able to read will help. I second your opinion on writing Thai in any kind of English way. I gave up on trying to give language advise on these webboards. It just is mostly unintelligible what most people write in these semi-phonetic attempts. So much easier to learn to write in Thai language itself.bar prices

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