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libel/slander in an email???

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[Hugh_Hoy said:[/i][/b]
chuckwoww said:

Libel is the written form of slander

uh...actually, libel is a form of "defamation"; as is slander. Libel is comprised of those statements which are written/printed, but also include the broadcast media; a statement maybe be considered slander only if it is spoken :)


(Torts I)




Thanks Hugh. That's what I meant to say. I condensed it to keep things simple. I'm sure there are library shelves groaning under the weight of massive legal tomes detailing all the distinctions between various forms of libel and slander. Defamation buffs probably read them at breakfast. :)

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elef said:

"Or, in related situation, suppose somebody posted something here that another took offense to. Could a successful lawsuit be pending???"


In which country do you want to make that lawsuit? In the US (where the server stays), in Thailand or in the country the suspect stays. Good luck!


And figuring out a basis for bring the suit in the U.S., doesn't necessarily mean U.S. law would apply. Theoretically, you could have the judge, in a U.S. court, decide that Thai law should apply and then the plaintiff would have to pay huge bucks to present Thai law on the subject. :stirthepo

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