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Pattaya just ainâ??t big enough for my dick


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The girls are pretty lively at Heavens Above, some good lookers too. But due to its increased popularity theyâ??ve built an extra urinal in the tiny space they had available Itâ??s ridiculously small. Such a narrow space that no-one can get past you when youâ??re taking a leak. :down:


I had to stop peeing twice the other night, to let someone through. And even when they brushed past, my arse has never been as close to another blokeâ??s dick since I was stuck next to a katoey on a baht taxi.last weekâ?¦. not by choice I might add; the taxi was full :-). Now either Iâ??m standing too far away from the porcelain to accommodate my old fellah â?¦ or itâ??s my arse thatâ??s too big? That was a rhetorical question! :grinyes:


On the other hand, Champions GoGo has reopened after a makeover. Looks much better. Theyâ??ve cut down the width of the stage, added a stage at the back where the tired old jacuzzi used to be, and improved the seating. Now itâ??s much easier to move around the place without bumming the blokes sitting at the stage. Two or three pretty dancers there last night and â??daftâ? beer equally attractive at 50 baht. :up:







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At the old Nui's off Walking Street (sadly defunct now) they only had one dunny with a throne and urinal. Shared it once with a dancer. She finished her pee before me, then very kindly came over to shake the last few drops off my old fellah... now that's what I call service!



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Usually ok in a mixed group but some places and indeed some girls do not like those from the arabic and indian continents. Some go-gos make "policies" of membership or some other bollocks.


The reality is that some of these groups, like many arabs in Pattaya, just want to walk round, pawing the girls with no intention of ever contributing to the business. They also have a reputation within the girls' community as having poor personal hygiene and being poor payers who all want anal sex.


The truth is that whilst many are fine, the bad ones are those those reputation soils the many.

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