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Eat banana in TOILET ????


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State of mind


pattaya is addictive thanks to availability of sex virtually everywhere.

I very much like the royal garden mall where you can browse around and pickup anything you like. Especially around closing time the ladies gather before the exit near beachroad and the lineup can be very interesting. I picked up quite some exitement during my trips.

One day In pattaya last summer I was having luch at the third floor foodcourt and I hooked up with a hot 19yro thai chick with blond hair and blue eyes (!!!) thats the way I like them. I talked to her for a while and learned that she had worked in the gogo at the beginning of soy postOffice (hot&cold????) where she quit and became freelancer because they have too many shows....(later a learned this place is a raunchy ZOO, and understood why she had lost all shame available to mankind)

After finishing my delicious Som tam, she proposed me bluntly....I eat your Banana in Toilet. Without specific detailling what happened it set a frame of mind for me which I diddnt lose up to today but which is very hard too feed or satisfy once back in Europe!!

Lately I visited Antwerpen (Antwerp Anvers Belgium)nearby my hometown Rotterdam. Where prostition in the Netherlands has been nearly abolished and no hooker under 40 is too be found....Antwerpen is teeming with prostitution. You have many many prostitutes from east Europe and Africa.

One part of the city near the central trainstation there is a cluster of about 20-30 bars and shorttime hotels totally filled with african hookers. Some of these ladies are to be described as very beautifull. Walking around there I got back my Pattaya state of mind. This established a pattern of expection which was to be grosly disturbed.

I picked up a cute and slender black lady and we went to drink something in a bar. After some diddling we agreed a price (1000francs...22 dollars) and went to a shorttime hotel. The experience was sobering Notthing was allowed and after 3 minutes all she wanted to do was a handjob and leave asap.

Its a very bad placebo for the royal garden where you can be asked:

Eat banana in toilet ????

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