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Soi Cowboy Update


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RCA guys looking for a fight?! That's like saying the Robinson's salesgirls were itching for a rumble... can't really believe it. I do believe - if you say so - that your friend had the experience that he did, but it had to have something to do with his attitude, it's not like RCA is full of biker bars, it's a bunch of effeminate, skinny thai guys and girls sipping on water flavoured with a touch of JW, right?


Maybe I'm getting my RCAs mixed up, it's been a while.



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Sure YS, but there are also some major league wankers there too, popping pills, snorting Columbian marching powder and hitting the red/black label shite like its going out of fashion...if you go to Slim/route you are encroaching on thai man territory...i avoid those bars and go to, imho, classier places

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Was there last night.


Susie Wong: Some cuties in here. Not too mercenary for LD's, but 130B for a beer/spirits and no happy hour. Have shows here, but I didn't see any last night.




A short update...


Was in Suzie Wong's last night - atually there were only 2 other punters besides me in the place at the time. When I checked-Bin to bar hop the bill came out to [color:red]140 baht[/color] for a beer (I had to ask the girl twice to be sure)!


Found Sheba's far improved and a lot of fun. Plenty new girls and a nice atmosphere (even with the unfortunate pasties).


I found Sharks still outstanding for girls even though some of my favorites have moved on. Just glad they don't have those pasties here...


Based on reports in this thread decided to give Midnight a try again and was most pleasantly surprised, its almost back to its old self with plenty nice (and not FAT) girls. Since the remodling the only Head is now on the 2nd deck up the spiral staircase, which can be fun to get to after a bit too many Tigers... :drunk:


For Doll House I'll have to do more research - many of the better girls have sadly moved on however there's a few decent replacements.


At the moment have to agree with others that Baccara is about tops for girls and fun. Thanks to one of the dek serves me and an older Yippon neighbor sitting at the stage discovered what may be a well known secret - the girls all wear those wrap around Sarongs - with nothing underneath. If you simply look down at the mirrored stage counter you can see what's under those Sarongs. :devil:


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This is disturbing and yes, surely others will follow. I don't like how the price of a drink is accelerating without a real justification for it. I've seen prices go from 80 to 90, 100, 125, 130 and now 140 in a relatively short number of years. It's getting silly when the same drink is cheaper in a farangland bar. This silly pricing gives me incentive not to buy LD's or tip.


Patpong is still 100 baht a drink in the best bars! This makes Cowboy look stupid--who would have thought the joe tourist mecca would be 40% cheaper than the more hidden expat haunt!


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Neo, i'm with you on this one. Its just crazy to have to pay the same or more in a country like Thailand than you would in an ordinary bar in a farang country. I know some people would jump in and say in the farang bar you don't have girls dancing etc., but then in the Thai bars you don't have the sort of over heads you do in a farang country. One of my pet hates is when a farang tries too compare prices in Thailand with their home country by say its only xx bucks/euros/pounds or whatever to justify their paying over the odds. But in this instance i find myself doing the reverse, fuck me over £2 for a beer in a developing asian country?!! The thing that makes it even worse in my book is that you often find the places with the highest prices are the ones who serve you warm beer and without a condom. All adds up to demonstrate the contemp they appear to show for their customers IMHO?


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