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Osama Bin who ? What war ? Where ? Who ?


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Yes, that bloke was certainly doing good business with the Bin Laden t-shirts!


I was at a gallery a few days before that and the artist, a noted radical and opponent of US economic policies, and several of his friends were wearing very similar t-shirts. Given the proximity of the gallery to Washington Square I was trying to convince them that it might not be wise for them to walk around outside in the shirts but they seemed unaware of the likelihood of physical danger their outfits would bring them.

One of the group, an ageing katoey photographer, was asked why she was wearing the shirt. "Oh, he very handsome man" was the best she could come up with, but I figure the others had put a lot more thought into it.


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I was at a gallery a few days before that and the artist, a noted radical and opponent of US economic policies, and several of his friends were wearing very similar t-shirts.


God, this makes me angry to no end. Thousands of innocent people die, people who had no involvement with American policy, normal folks from all over the world just going to work, and some asshole thinks the murderer is some hero or cool cultural icon. I have been opponent of American foreign policy for a long time, but I would never go out and murder people, nor would I be supportive of terrorists, regardless of their political views. This whole thing is becoming absurd. Twenty four Thai people are still missing. I hope this jerk off artist has the balls to wear that shirt to the funeral pyres of those victims. Or better yet, s/he dies of a long torturous AIDS death.



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