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Where to find really nice ring boxes in Bangkok?


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Most of the jeweller stores stock the same tacky looking box and it's just one thing I'd like to try and find. Sometimes, it's fun looking for things in Bangkok. Anyway, I went to Jutachuk today and there was a shop but it didn't have what I was looking for.

So what I'd like is simply a velvet or whatever material that is box, preferably in maroon red and not the bright red that most boxes are in that can hold two rings. Plus it shouldn't look like a box like most do but have rounded sides at least on the top or have rounded corners. Plus it shouldn't use plastic hinges either. But brass ones.

There's a store in World Trade on the ground floor near St James that has a beautifully created wooden box that's highly polished in red veener wood that displays two rings side by side but the store cannot tell me where they got it from. I'd like to find one like this and another that will hold a single mans ring.

Can I find something decent on Silom anywhere? I'm told there's a shop that makes boxes there.

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