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Thai Ponzi Schemes


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I imagine that many people who have spent much time with Thai people in Thailand have run across somebody who was running what seems to be the classic Ponzi scheme.




Typically how these work is that friends and family invest a sum of money with a certain individual and are promised a very high rate of return (maybe 20-100% a year). In theory the individual would do something with that money (which may itself not be above-board, like bookmaking). However, the classic Ponzi scheme would rely on a steadily increasing number of new investors to pay off the old ones. At the peak, the person holding the money runs off never to be seen again.




Has anyone ever come across such a situation that looked like this that actually was above board? I.e. that the person taking the money truly was "investing" it and planning on turning over the money.




I've seen one case where this seemed to go on for years, but I wasn't around for what I assume is the inevitable crash. In another it crashed relatively quickly.

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"Has anyone ever come across such a situation that looked like this that actually was above board? I.e. that the person taking the money truly was "investing" it and planning on turning over the money." In Thailand?? Surely you are joking. Highly unlikely



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