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Slipping Back into LOS Again


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Back in the Kingdom after two lovely months in California...




When I left LOS after my last three month stint I was a sexual burnout, sore and tired. At the end I had been seeing four ladies regularly. My two steadies - Noi in BKK and An in Pattaya - and two backups Mee and Nu. I felt I needed the backup girls because I expected attrition in the ranks during what my friends here now call my "holiday" in California! "Good you could get a bit of a holiday," they say. I never before thought of going home as a holiday. But I guess it was, because I have come back thoroughly renewed and ready to join the battle.




The line score on the situation when I left and when I came back is interesting:




1) Noi : When I left she did not seem to have many customers and I was her only boyfriend. I was a bit worried about the burden of my "boyfriend" responsibilities and wished she had more financial support. Her subsequent emails did not mention new boyfriends, but I have come back to find her face aglow when she talks about a certain young man. She is a little chatterbox and I don't think she really wanted to tell me about him, but after a few days she couldn't contain herself. He sounds like a great guy and I am happy for her. He is a gentleman who cares about seeing her happy and I am sure they will love each other. He works in Asia and can see her every couple of weeks or so. The "kicker" came out in one of our last talks - he gave her 20,000 baht after four days with her towards the beginning of their relationship. Whoopee!! I'm happy and you can be sure she's "happy too much."




Besides this fellow, she has developed another regular. "Now I have man too much!" she says with a big smile. Great! I don't have to worry about saving her from the dregs of poverty. And oh yes...we love each other more than ever. (To the cynics: I know, I know, spare me the lecture.)




2) An: A couple of weeks before I left her longtime man had come in for his annual three month stay. I felt the same way about him - I am happy she has him and I am happy he takes care of her. But there was a very bad effect. Towards the beginning of our relationship she would make love to me for a solid hour at a time, starting at the top and working her way down, slowly, slowly, ever so slowly. Her skill gave me some of my best sensual experiences ever! The sex was so good I was in a daze, a stupor, I didn't know what day it was or what time. Who cared? Along with the sex was solid love - always telling me how much she loves me, giving me gifts and then running over to make love on the side. (To the cynics: Ditto.)




Naturally, as the relationship developed, she went a bit faster. Then after the boyfriend showed up, she would just come for afternoon quickies. The foundation of the relationship was shot I thought. Maybe she's not interested any more. Maybe this has turned into something like an old marriage. I sent her a couple of emails after I left and let her know how I felt. Well, she has fixed it! The boyfriend left a couple of days ago and I am in a daze again. Happy too much!




3) Me: Me is 40 years old and I kind of ended up with her one night after it was apparent that the two girls I sometimes took from her bar would not be available. Knowing what I like, they gave Me two thumbs up. She's a nice lady, kind of cute and has lovely skin. With their endorsement I took her. Hello!!! Boy she has stamina!! She got me off four times by the time she left at noon the next day. Not that even I need to come four times every night, but anyway...no brainer...she was on the squad. I put her in the rotation.




When I got back to Pattaya I went to look for her first since I had no e-mail or any other contact with her. I went to her bar a couple of times and was told that she was waiting for me but she had "gone home." She will be back in two day. Okay, I came back, did not see her. A couple of days later, I came back and did not see her again, until I sat down at the bar. Then, OOPS!! There she was! Tucked away behind a big, old farang. Looking guilty, I think. Her friend came over and gave me the standard greeting, "Sabai dee mai?" (Are you good?) Now I know enough Thai to talk around farang too: "Mai sabai," I said. (Not fine.) "Mai sabai!! Tammai mai sabai?" was her surprised response. (Not good! Why not?) "Mi jep jai!" I said. (Have hurt heart.) Since this was all said within two club lengths of Mee, she looked quite chagrined. "Mai pen lai." I said. She told me that the old fellow would going home in two weeks. I told her "Mai ow!" (No want.) just to stay in character, but I will come back. I must say no couple ever looked more perfect to me than the 40 year old Mee and her pleasant, handsome 75 year old friend. He looked quite happy. And good for her! I had seen her at the bar a long time before I started taking her and I had never her seen her go with a man. She is the oldest lady out of the 15 at her bar and she speaks almost no English.




4) Nu: Worried as I was about attrition in my absence I got myself "one more." Nu is built like the proverbial "brick shithouse." Hefty but solid with bigs tits. She has a great attitude, plays a good game of pool and is excellent with her mouth. She worked in a little bar so hidden away as to be invisible. It was for sale and she told me where I could find her when I got back. But in her case the attrition did happen and I can't find her. The old bar is closed and the she's not at the new one. Mai pen lai. The roster was a bit overloaded anyway.








So I have been back in LOS two weeks exactly with three months ahead of me. I spent 4 days with Noi in BKK when I arrived, then butterflied in Pattaya for a couple of days. A little lonely and missing Noi, I called her and had her come to Pattaya for 3 more fine days together. I scheduled her departure to coincide that of An's boyfriend. Except I didn't immediately rush to An. I took one night to reconnect with a sweet, but unskilled girl-next-door type I had taken one time long ago. Her name is No, like in "No" sa-moke. I had taken her last year when she had just started working in a bar and I had asked her before I paid bar fine, "Sa-moke mai?" "Can!" she said. But back at the room she could not and would not. Blah!! I hate that. Now I had run into her again and was drawn to her sweetness. So I came back and barfined her just to sleep with her. She helped me with Thai for a long time and then we got in bed. I had no expectations, but since she wasn't too shy about showing her body, I looked and touched and teased. "You want make, you can make. Use condom," she said. "But you don't like sex, so it's no fun. You can sleep. I can get another lady for sex." Then the lights went out and after awhile, surprise! surprise! she got touchy, feely. She spent the longest time trying to get me off with her hand. Impossible, and I wasn't going to fuck her. Finally I suggested that she could just kind of sa-moke, kind of not sa-moke and she did! Good too! We have a future, depending on how much trouble she is going to give me about "Butterfly. I no like."




A friend on the board sent me an e-mail asking if I had any weird experiences since I had been back. Yes I did. one night I stumbled upon a little bar down a side road. I got a big reception as just about the only customer. After awhile my "head" was turned by one young lady who bragged about having my favorite skill. After I agreed to take her, I began to really take notice of the bartender - kind of a chubby girl I thought at first, but then I noticed her midriff was shapely and her breasts were comely and her skin was perfect ... and ... then she suggested I take two ladies. I said that might good because I really wanted to sleep with two ladies. This has been a goal that I have never pulled off for more than a few hours. Stupid me, why do I want to do this anyway?? It's a heart thing of course...




Anyway, I never take young girls and there I was a 22 year old and a 25 year old. Of course they had no interest in me or sex, although it wasn't too bad. The one that said she could sa-moke, really could. And the lovely, chubby one was really lovely. After the indifferent sex was finished they wanted to leave, in spite of me being very clear about long time, not short time. I have a feeling they took the little 500 bahts I gave them and went to the nearby disco. Forget you, Pops! I was pissed off a little, but mai pen rai, I let it go in an hour.

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