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Classic comments regarding Trink


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I came across this item during some research in the Bangkok Post's archives. It was published just after Mr. Trink's column was reduced in size in the Post's print edition.

The full URL is http://scoop.bangkokpost.co.th/bkkpost/1996/august1996/bp960810/1008_news25.html

I hope you enjoy this blast from the past.





He might not exist but he's read

So Mr Bernard Trink's page is now a half page and, as Bernard himself writes, nothing of great interest is lost by dropping the fillers of pictures and book snippet.

Since this is apparently a watershed in the annals of Bangkok Post, could Mr Trink take the opportunity to examine the relevance of the remaining half page so that we anxious readers are not deprived of the essentials we expect to find.

For example, how many are so impecunious that we need to know the vagaries of the omnibus service, or if dented cans of soup are available at some obscure market in Klong Toey, together with a source for eyeglasses from the deceased?

One also questions if the interest in Mr Trink's size in underwear and how long the elastic lasts is really of burning interest, although there is undoubtedly an Internet news group that would welcome such titillating trivia.

Much more to the point are gems like, "The 'Ding Dong' is moving to the 'Quiet Spot' and the 'Quiet Spot' is moving to the 'Ding Dong"', along with that best kept secret... "There IS a back entrance to the Thermae!" ... but what is the password?

Quite frankly, I don't believe there is such a person as Bernard Trink. I think "he" is like those agony aunts who've been pandering to fictitious readers who can't decide what colour socks to wear. Their names are unchanged for generations.

There probably was a Bernard Trink who left behind a card index of "Happenings" that are simply pulled out at random, dates changed and published - BUT KEEP ON PRINTING THEM.

Jon Angus


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I quite like reading Trink but as you make clear, even in his supposed heyday he had problems filling a page in the BKK Post with worthwile information.

Sadly for him the internet generally and sites like this in particular have made him as redundant as the typewriter he uses to file his columns.

I find it strangely reasurring that he's still there though becuase he reminds me of my early pre-internet excursions to Thailand.

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I always like reading Trink, if for no other reason than to read names of places I have been, and will visit agin.

somehow, reading trink on the plane on a saturday morning on the TG flight to Phuket is a good feeling. almost part of a familiar routine.

Some of his stuff does wear a little thin

(burma shave for me), but overall its still nice to know even an old fart can make a living in los doing what he does.


(may be hope for me yet)

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