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World Health Organization takes on tobacco


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Philip Morris International Inc is suing Uruguay for warning it's citizens about tobacco disease .. damn health warning is hurting sales.!


Tobacco lobbyists set up a tent outside the hotel in protest of a summit representing 170 countries that have signed a global tobacco control treaty established in 2003. The summit's goal is to analyze and support policies that reduce smoking globally.


"Tobacco, like war, produces deaths among citizens around the world while enriching a few,"


cigarette shipments grew 4.5 percent from last year's third quarter to 229.2 billion sticks, with large gains in Asia, despite falling shipments in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and Latin America and Canada.



does that make Phillip Morris the civilian version of the US Army, targeting asians for collateral damage globally?


it just occurred to moi, what % of US collateral damage victims are non-white?

& what % live in Asia?


a new tax on bad breath sticks will raise the cost per pack locally to near $10.

as long as the tax goes to pay for O2 nasal cannulas & wheel chairs for lung disease dummies that cannot extract enough O2 from air to walk, I am Ok with it.


"smoke smoke smoke that cigareeeet .. tell saint peter he just has to to wait .. while I have a one more cigereeet"

commander cody & the lost planet airmen, circa 1970


any non-smokers remember the quandary WE were in when we discovered that high school lasses that smoked were the hos .. but hos with terrible breath ..

ah, my first gross kiss of a smoker .. what a taste


My high school dilemma, is pussy (actually more often stinky finger) worth the taste of a smokers mouth?

My buddy Dale explained to me that girls that smoked had oral fixations & I've been Ok with that for 30 years.

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