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End Of An Era


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not everyone's cup of tea/coffee but along with 'the dead kennedys' one of my fave bands of all time.

31 years of recording and who knows if the split is amicable,each member had their own lives/families and rarely mixed together outside of the studio or on tour.

i forget the times i have seen them perform live,but the last time was in 2008,i was at the bar when they began performing 'it's the end of the world as we we know it'(i feel fine)and i just abandoned my place in the queue and had to rush outside and sing along.


a great mix of topical songs written at the time but i always find it funny about the song 'the one i love'.

american teenagers would request the song for their loved one being stupid enough not to realise thet the song was about someone who used his partners for sex and then dumped them,being a complete barstard.

still one of the best driving rifts ever.


whilst in patong recently the song 'losing my religion' was played everywhere/all the time in the bars and my gal knew to shut up whenever it came on as i sang along.

went to watch a thai band play often and i used to request this song and get up on stage and perform for my 5 minutes of fame.and other foreigners would get up and sing along.


at times a morbid band with their songs but on other occasions they could lift the spirits.


i wonder what the odds are for them playing together in a couple of years time in aid of some charity gig.

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