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Yingluck Does What She Knows Best .... Crying Again


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And yet again our lying through her teeth Ee Ngo is crying crocodile tears. Or maybe she is crying for real because she is realizing that she cannot go on free shopping trips anymore .... she is really playing this crying card a bit to much, the 5th time now or so???




Tearful Yingluck vows to fight on


Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra told reporters in Chiang Mai today in tearful eyes that she will go ahead although so many obstacles are lying ahead of her.

Ms Yingluck is in Chiang Mai’s Mae Jaem district to visit the people and inspect rural road projects there.

After giving instruction to local government officials at a briefing of the rural road and public transport projects, she gave a brief interview to reporters.

Before the end of the interview, she said softly that even though there are so many obstacles lying ahead on the road like rocks and holes, we still have to walk through. It was better to walk on the road than to walk in the jungles which we still do not know what will be lying ahead.

She then paused with tears in her eyes and then walked away into the meeting room.

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