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Burger King Customer 'buys All Pies To Spite Crying Child Behind Him'


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An exasperated Burger King customer has revealed he bought out all of apple pies at a branch of the fast food outlet - to exact vengeance on a screaming child and his mother.


The unnamed man is reported to have taken the step after a child standing in the queue behind him started demanding pie from his mother.


Ignoring him, the boy's mother remained on her phone as the child became "out of control" in the queue, allegedly screaming and punching the woman.


In a post on reddit, the man said the woman then reacted furiously when he complained about her child's behaviour after he shouted: "I want some f***ing pie!"


"She gets up in my face telling me I can’t tell her nothing about raising her child and to mind my own business,’ he wrote.


"I then decide to ruin their day," he added, explaining that he proceeded to purchase all 23 of the pies remaining in stock at the restaurant.


In a 'confessions' post on the website, the user said he heard the woman complain to staff at the restaurant as he was leaving.


"What do you mean you don’t have any pies left, who bought them all?" the woman reportedly asked the person serving her.


The man recalled: "I turn around and see the cashier pointing me out with the woman shooting me a death glare."




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I have a two-year-old and will not hesitate to be a fucking prick if she doesn't say please or thank-you.


I'll happily gobble down the last M&M or whatever if she resorts to screaming or tantrums.


The sooner kids realize there are limits, the sooner they get in line.

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