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Report: Nearly Half Of Chinese Food Plants Fail Inspections


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My sense on China's morality is that they basically eradicated to the extent possible every traditional form of ethical restraint during the famines and the Cultural Revolution, substituting for as long as possible the myth of a Communist paradise that would arise in the absence of feudal practices (like religion, community, honor, etc.) The one traditional form they couldn't quite eliminate (and perhaps strengthened with the One Child Policy, which focused family attention on a single individual) was the family, so family survived as an identifying and restraining factor. Otherwise, once the Cultural Revolution had eliminated everything else, and the Communism failed as a long term vision, they just let loose the hounds of individualistic capitalism, unbridled by any of the usual factors the temper its excesses. So it's just every man for himself (and to a degree, for his family), and fuck off to everything else - to get rich is glorious, and that's all there is to guide the national community (except for get-rich-and-be-powerful Chinese nationalism, which is hardly helpful in forming humanitarian bonds or meaning for life other than enrichment and empowerment).


Anyway, good on them for getting so damn rich so quick. Too bad it's a shitty place to live a richer human life for the moment, but perhaps they will find their way eventually - after the next Warring States period, I suppose.



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