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The Old Sarge's War Stories, Thai Discrimination


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Just a few general coments from the file folder.




Having been married to an Eurasian (anglo-indian) from Malaysia and being currently married to a Filipina, plus having girlfriends in Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam (damn, I was a horny little devil) during my time in Southeast Asia (1965-1973 and 1993-1998 off and on, I feel qualified to contribute a couple of satangs worth concerning discrimination.




I have experienced and observed lots of discrimination all over. It was not only Asian to foreigner, but Asian to Asian. For instance, in Thailand the darker skinned Thais are considered socially lower than the fair skinned Thais. Remember how you've seen the girls out in the fields all bundled up? The Japanese look down on the Koreans, etc. Most Asian peoples look down on foreigners, etc. (how's that for reverse discrimination?)




One time my Anglo-Indian wife and I went down to the Naval Base at Sattahip (think that I spelled that wrong). While going up in the hotel elevator, the operator made some rather pointed comments to my wife as if she were a bar girl. My wife spoke Thai, but she just looked at the operator and told him, in Malay, that she didn't understand him. I also understood enough Thai to follow the question so I chimed in with Spanish. My wife then turned around and said something in Tai-chu, a Chinese dialect from Malaysia. Then to add to the fun, I asked the operator in English if he would ask me the question and I would translate it for my wife. The look on that poor fellow's face was really priceless.




My current wife, a Filipina, and I are looked at now and then when in Manila or in Cebu. However, she is from Cagayon de Oro down on Mindanao where she is well known (her father is a Regional Trial Court judge). Of course, it also helps when we have our 3 year old daughter with us. The only truly funny incident happened when we were shopping in Cebu. My wife questioned the cost of a dress. The saleslady told my wife in Visayan that she should go ahead and buy it since I was a foreigner and could afford it. My wife replied, in English, that I gave her all my money and therefore she was the one paying for it. The poor salesgirl turned red, stuttered an apology and asked another sales clerk to take over.




I guess that the moral to these stories is that you should try to turn these episodes into humor. You will get more satisfaction out of the other party's embarrassment when they lose face.




Another way is to treat your wife or girlfriend with all the respect that you would give your mother. Follow the customs of your country as well as Thailand. Give her money to put in her purse to pay the bills while you are out together. The difference between a Thai wife and a Thai mistress is that the wife handles the money and pays the bills. The fact that your girlfriend handles your money shows that she is not a bar girl. The way that you and she dresses is another giveaway. As I recall (and my memory still works well even if other things don't) the Thai bar girls dress pretty wild. Most foreigners visiting Thailand for sex tours dress very very casual. Put a farang dressed in shorts, a torn tank top, sandels, and needing a haircut with a lovely Thai girl dressed in a brash revealing way. You create a bad image, one of a guy on a sex tour and a hooker. Take the same couple with the man dressed in slacks and white shirt open at the collar and the girl dressed in a nice, low key outfit. You have created another and much different image, one of a very respectable couple. Remember, the Thai's are very concerned about image. It projects status.




Just remember, you and your lady will be seen as you project yourself.




Enough preaching. Enjoy yourself. This is the Old Sarge signing off.





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Great advice on the money thing. I've done this on several occasions (giving 10Kbaht to G/F), and asking her to take care of things as the night progressed. Good to know the reasoning behind it, and why it worked so well. Very valuble info. What else you got? smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif





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One correction to the story since I posted it from the files. Our daughter will turn 7 this August and acts as if she were 30. More damn fun.




She also enjoys my stories as she is constantly after me to "tell me about when you were young". Of course, the stories I tell her and the ones that I post here are not the same.





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While going up in the hotel elevator, the operator made some rather pointed comments to my wife as if she were a bar girl






the same thing happened to me in Pattaya, when i was going up my room with a lover who was not a bar girl and i had met in BKK. The guy spoke to her in thai, and i could see she answered to the point as he just went mute and obviously lost face. I asked her after what happened and she told me he showed her disrespect , so she put him in his place by telling him she won't be insulted by some little wanker and to mind his own business. I just love it when women refuse to take crap from guys.

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