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Pattaya's a small town


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Just returned from my 9th trip to Pattaya in the last 3 years. I did a series of five 3-week trips since this Nov and apparently I?ve become well know.




I walked into a bar on soi Post and some girl I never did or remember calls me by name.




Me and a current girl of 3 days ran into an ex LT I spent 7 days with at MK restaurant in Big ?C? mall. It?s always nice to sit face to face and directly across from an ex girl with your new girl for 20 minutes as you eat smile.gif




I?m known as ?Mr. Pizza/Butterfly? at the Pizza Parlor. All 4 girls at the restaurant have seen and remember me with at least 8 girls I spent more than a day with.




And to top it off, as I was sitting at a bar on soi 8 an ex LT anonymously slipped a note saying, ?Good luck with your new girlfriend (my name), I?m very pleased with you? in my top shirt pocket; I still don?t know who it was.




I?ve been to most of the A Go-Go bars in Pattaya and am ducking several girls. They seem the easiest to duck.




Soi 6, Post, and Yamato short-time bars are ok, but I?m called by name as I walk by them and I?ve multi-dayed LT?d a few girls from the better bars.




The beer-bar complexes are my favorite and I?ve exhausted every major complex by going with girls from 1 night to 4 weeks.




Next trip is in Nov and I really hope a wave of new girls flock to Pattaya by then.



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I bet you thought the telephone was the fastest form of communication. Well, its got nothing on Thai women. After spending a month or so at one point in Pattaya, girls I had never seen before would shout 'butterfly man' as I passed their bars and 'OHHHH I see you wid lady lass night', and this happened at least 10 times everyday. Its quite remarkable how word gets around in LOS.

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<<I?m known as Mr. Pizza/Butterfly>> yeah,right and you are also known as the "sprite drinking pu##y from l.a.",lol,at least last november when we meet in soi 8.


anyway,sounds you had a pleasant trip and at least you should spend some days in bangers next time ,just to make sure you see some new faces.


good luck,



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after 5 trips to patong and being a regular(and butterfly) in several bars,i know the feeling.




after a night out,the next day my friends know who i had been with and where the girl worked.




sometimes caused problems with regular girls i had promised to see for the night and i got distracted.

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Sigh, unfortunately, you're right.




I've tried many different things. Moving hotels. Works for about 3-4 days. Working Nakhlua. Doesn't work at all because I've yet to find a girl there I want to barfine. Bottom line, there are about 4-5 good beer-bar complexes in Pattaya. I end up retracing my steps after about a week, and despire defensive maneuvering I have no place to hide.




I've learn to accept it as reality. I keep a communal bottle of Citra and several brand new sealed toothbrushes in the bathroom. That way it's clear from the get go that I am only a lowly butterfly.

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<you are also known as the "sprite drinking pu##y from l.a.",lol,at least last november when we meet in soi 8.>






I was only drinking sprite because they were out of coke smile.gif




I did manage a few drunk nights that trip, but you'd have been proud of me a few weeks ago, I polished off about 10 strong screwdrivers at XZYite Disco.




I'm actually thinking about taking another 3-week trip to Pattaya in the next week or 2. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif




Hope to see you around next Nov dude, maybe by then I'll be allowed back on soi 8 wink.gif



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