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Strong words in this weeks Pattaya Mail


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Originally posted by stump_dog:

for tourists who do not respect Thailand's moral values


ox·y·mo·ron (ks-môrn, -mr-)

n. pl. ox·y·mo·ra (-môr, -mr) or ox·y·mo·rons

A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a "deafening silence" and a "mournful optimist".


Or "Thailand's moral integrity".

crazy.gif" border="0

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Thanks for the read stump_dog. The Pattaya Mail is an adventure into the absurd. Some find it funny. But for my part, it just freaks me out.

I mean, they sometimes have headlines like "Five Prostitutes Discovered in Pattaya." (Which was a story about the police busting some hookers and then acting shocked that ladies could be found, who were so terribly criminal--of course, the hookers happened to be foreign...that, being their real crime.) That, to me, is just weird and f*cked up. crazy.gif" border="0

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I think the Pattaya Mail are very careful about how they report the news after their editor was badly beaten and his arm broken a couple of years ago when they used to have a poke fun at the boys in brown style of reporting. Now it's much more subtle.

I too remember the headline about the (Russian I believe) prostitutes being arrested on Walking Street and South cleaned up. Good to know the local girls really are doing it for love and I guess the baht DO go to help sickly farm animals smile.gif" border="0

db_sed_aloha, I do hope it's not going to be a case of picking on tourists but the current administration does have an anti farang reputation. Don't really know enough to know if that's fairly earned or not.

Guess we'll have to wait and see. I read a letter in the letters section o the Pattaya Mail that says before you make all these improvements in Pattaya remember most people like it the way it is now. The numbers of visitors over Christmas seem to back that up.

Have fun!


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