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Review of Thai ghost movie, Pee Hur Karo


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Today I went to see a Thai ghost story movie, Pee Hur Karo, with the fun girl from The Shark Club in Soi Cowboy that I found a bit over a week ago. I thought of posting this in the Nightlife section since I picked up the fun girl last night, but since I saw the movie this afternoon I finally decided to post it here.


The movie is a typical Thai Slapstick comedy, ghosts, typical Thai Slapstick comedy, good guy vs. bad guy, typical Thai Slapstick comedy, rich guy vs. poor guy, typical Thai Slapstick comedy, Thai boxing, typical Thai Slapstick comedy, head chopping, typical Thai Slapstick comedy, midgets, typical Thai Slapstick comedy, love story, typical Thai Slapstick comedy, magic, typical Thai Slapstick comedy, and did I mention typical Thai Slapstick comedy?


A few laughs for me, and the girl loved it. This movie is a great way to spend a couple of hours with a Thai girl, who will be grateful afterward. A perfect "Halloween" month movie.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ya, I watched that movie last week at the WTC Cinema. I watched it with the cutest little hello girl that I had been running around with. It was my first Thai movie and I thought it was fantastic. Although, I can only assume that said TG felt that I could not possibly understand the movie because I'm just a stupid falang or something and kept interjecting her little Cliff's Notes. My pointing out that the movie was English subtitled seemed to fall upon deaf ears. So, when we watched Ghost Ship(which sucked), I tried to tease her by doing the same. She looked at me like I was retarded and told me it was ok because she didn't need the Thai subtitles because she could understand all the English. Which was true and shut me up the rest of the movie. Her English was pretty amazing! Damn that TG logic!!!! ::


On a side note, has anyone else noticed that people relying on subtitles get to know what the current line of dialog is before the native language is actually spoken? It seems to go both ways. While watching The Tuxedo, I found that the Thais were cracking up a few seconds before anything funny was said. And, of course, I would laugh before any of the Thais when watching Pee Hur Karo.

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