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Grandpa Comes for a Visit--A Village Ghost Tale

Central Scrutinizer

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Grandpa Comes For A Visit--A True Village Life Ghost Tale From Cent



Part One--Introduction


Thailand, and, in my experience at least, Isaan, is full of ghosts, goblins, spirits, vampires, and assorted vaporous creatures that go bump in the night. Some believe half-heartedly, some believe fully, some don't know what to believe....so to be on the safe side they pretend to believe and go through the motions regarding the rituals to appease these demons and spirits, and some, like myself, don't believe the dead are anything but dead, can't come back from the grave, and Vampires and such nonsense are good tales for a novel, but nothing more.


The latter of these, we unbelievers, don't give much thought about the whole subject, and look a bit askant at those who truly believe.


Until we are faced with something which rattles our beliefs in their cage, upsets our equanimity, and twists with unreasonable fear the place we have carved in our mind in stone of our place in the universe amongst corporeal beings. We, like Doubting Thomas, say, "Show me!"


This is a true tale of my conversion to believer. This tale is not fiction. If it were I would tell you so. Some of you know me personally, some just through the internet, some not at all. I swear to God this story is true. (This should suffice, as I'm only an agnostic, not an atheist, nor a godless commie.) Would you like to hear my ghost story? Yes? Ah, I was hoping you would, because I have a need to tell it. Even if only for the setting of it straight in my mind, in ink as it were.


So, let's set the mood. Firstly, read this tale late at night, preferably after the witching hour of midnight. Shut off any lights in your abode. Draw the curtains and shutters to darken your room as much as is possible. The darker the better. After all, this is a ghost story for chrissakes.


I suppose the beginning is the best place to begin, right?


I've got the willies just thinking about this experience again! Brrrrrrrrr.


Actually it's not a scary story as such, but another village life tale about the strangeness of this land and the people. It is true though. Jing jing!


(to be continued)





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