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Asians in Cowboy outfits why?


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Why do employers insist on the staff dressing up in cowboy/girl outfits.

Was in Saigon a few months ago and a new bar opend up next to my hotel,

It was called ***Salloon i forget but they all have gun /salloon in the names for some reason.

Anyway i go in and they are all dressed up hats and all it just does not look right to me anyway.


Was on a cruise on the Virgo not long ago from Sin/hkt etc

and one day they had a BBQ on the main deck and yes all dressed up in cowboy stuff in 35os heat it was crazy i thought.


So why do they do it???

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I think the fact that it was called the *** Saloon might give you a hint as to why they were wearing cowboy outfits.


They're called theme pubs or some bars have theme nights.


Watch out in Pattaya for Rodeo, Henry J. Bean's Steak N Beans Nights and Green Bottle's Cowboy Nights if you don't like the theme.


And if you ever see a Texas B-B-Q night advertised, run a mile. ::

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Why anyone would is beyond me, although the Province of Canada I am from seems to suffer from the same afliction as does Texas. It may be a viral condition associated with wealth from teh oil industry.

But there seems to be a romanticization with things western. Being wild and a uniquely (?) North American flavor, of the untamed western world where everything is rough and ready and wealthy beyond belief.

More than just the North Americans and Asians seem to be fond of this stuff though. Often you will see Germans jumpinmg into the hats and shirts, I hear that "country music" comands a good deal of populartity in Britain and Australia, where there are actually instructors of "Line Dancing".

I guess anywheres you go where people want something foreign and different and the people ure completley unable to Swing or Groove, there will be a good chance of this taking hold.

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