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"stupid farang!" syndrom


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I am amused at the number of posts where members seem to single out themselves as cool, OK, smart, opposed to "that" farang there, with the bored girl, ATM card, cluelessness, love delusions, etc....

We have all looked one time or another just as he does (or seemed) or be really in the same situations. Still, you'd think that some here are really the ultimate smart punters/BFs, unlike that "clueless, deluded guy with the ATM card and the bored Bfined chick".

Why the need to sneer at others? defense mechanism against one's own demeanor?

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>>>Still, you'd think that some here are really the ultimate smart punters/BFs, unlike that "clueless, deluded guy with the ATM card and the bored Bfined chick". <<<


I enjoy sometimes being stupid. The smart guys guarding their wallets and hearts from the ladies have gotta be bored, constipated too.


Which reminds me, i also enjoy eating something in LOS knowing it will give me a severe case of the runs (like too many chili peppers will do it). But i enjoy it so what? (enjoy the eating part i mean, not the runs ::)

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Quite right, sneering at other people is sign of ones insecurity and also one isnt going to have fun being overly cautious and paranoid watching ones wallet.


It is amusing, some farangs are determined to separate themselves from what they perceive as the herd, the fact is we are all the same, albeit at different stages of that learning curve.


Being the cool customer in the crisp linen shirt, not drinking much and being an "old hand" doesnt appear much fun to me.



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Guest lazyphil

I just went to a good friends dads funeral with my mrs the other day, the family were so gracious and sincerely warm to her as nearly everyone I know/we come accross is. They have no interest is Thailand/Asia and thus so their veiw point is purely based on individual assessment not judgmental lauding. Good, kind, sincere people. Thailand it seems *can* *sometimes* turn people into terrible snobs.

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Just to set the record straight with my post (can't remember where it is to post a link- search it if you need it):


It wasn't at all about sneering or judging- it was about the reality dashing the illusion.


Having been there myself is what makes me aware of it. I occasionally cringe in a private self-embarrasment.


It also brings a certain sadness to my heart when the veneer smears off and the soft white underbelly is exposed.

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