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Everything posted by waerth

  1. It doesnt use mass to generate thrust. Just electricity. Nothing else. What you are talking about is an ion drive. Which does use mass in combination with electricity to generate thrust. The EM drive uses only electricity without mass. Which is theoretically impossible but is now showing in tests to "probably" work. Which is upsetting all laws of physics.
  2. It can still be an error off course. But they are more and more ruling that out. As they re-review it. It is a very exciting thing. As it hints at the fact that many things we took for certain with regards to physics might have to be retaught when it is true (not warp but the way the EM drive works, which should theoretically be not possible). Very short from the way I understand it. The Em drive is supposed to generate thrust from power (electricity) alone. Which is theoretically impossible. But in previous tests and in this test it actually does exactly that. And while testing it they found what looked like small warp bubbles being generated. Basically if everything gets "verified" by peer review etc. Than it is one of the most exciting discoveries ever as it will mean that some physics laws are disproven.
  3. Anyway the story continued. Evaluating NASA’s Futuristic EM Drive http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2015/04/evaluating-nasas-futuristic-em-drive/
  4. And the one song that for some reason always gets me to tears .... especially a version played in this way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgSeZpcMOBE
  5. And the live cover of that song by a band that also went nr 1 in a number of countries. And I like all 3 versions. Just done totally differently. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzWQV5OiQQQ
  6. The remix that became a huge hit in Europe and many other countries
  7. The same song 3 times .... The original (that went nowhere)
  8. The Dutch did it! Geert Wilders was there holding one of his hate speeches.
  9. Truly horrible http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/549643/death-camp-held-800-refugees
  10. This is certainly true for many people I know. Luckily I am an exception and still listen to new music all the time! http://www.avclub.com/article/new-study-shows-people-stop-listening-new-music-33-218752?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview%3A1%3ADefault If you’re 33 or older, you will never listen to new music again—at least, that’s more or less what a new online study says. The study, which is based mainly on data from U.S. Spotify users, concludes that age 33 is when, on average, people stop discovering new music and begin the official march to the grave. The study’s author reached this conclusion by slicing up tons of Spotify user data, as well as artist popularity data from another site called The Echo Nest. If you’ve ever wondered “what is the end game of using online databases to catalog my every musical, cinematic, culinary, sports, and pornography preference?â€, this dizzying chart offers a small preview: In this visualization, teens rest at the center of the nebula, listening almost exclusively to top Billboard hits and blissfully unaware that some rando is collecting data on their favorite jams. But age forces an outward spiral, as those teens turn to twentysomethings, begin exploring their options, and start making cool indie playlists for each other. After that, taste levels off and begins a long stasis, right as folks hit their mid-30s. As the study states: “Two factors drive this transition away from popular music. First, listeners discover less-familiar music genres that they didn’t hear on FM radio as early teens, from artists with a lower popularity rank. Second, listeners are returning to the music that was popular when they were coming of age — but which has since phased out of popularity.†Perhaps this is why we heard an actual human blasting a circa-2000 Linkin Park song out of their car window the other day. Or perhaps some mysteries are best left unsolved. A few side notes: This study appears on a blog called “Skynet & Ebertâ€. Unfortunately, a pair of sentient cybernetic film critics haven’t founded a peer-reviewed journal. It’s simply a blog run by a former management consultant who currently works at Spotify and The Echo Nest—the two sources used to gather all the data in the study. The study also claims that parents stop listening to new music a little earlier than their unfruitful peers. The author determined “parenthood†by the presence of children’s music and nursery lullabies on user playlists, presenting the possibility that the data set was tainted by creepy adults who lull themselves to sleep every night with .
  11. I read that story too. IATA is an organization by membership airlines for membership airlines though. ICAO is an independent agency. The story is .... Thais make promises to do something .... and then do not do it even when they are under scrutiny. Basically the Thais are saying the Japanese. We will make any agreement we want and then wipe our butts with the paper it was written on.
  12. Thais forgetting they had a deal with Japan. Already breaking it. Oops sorry didnt know we actually had to keep our promise ... so solly we are Thai you dont understand. Thailand breaking aviation-safety deal, Japan complains http://bangkokpost.com/news/transport/547023/thailand-breaking-aviation-safety-deal-japan-complains
  13. So Thainess will start an economic and employment crisis in German factories ..... sell your Mercedes shares!
  14. Link to the alledged Nasa forum where the scientists were discussing this: http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=36313.1860
  15. If this is anywhere close to the truth this is really exiting news! A major breakthrough. http://sputniknews.com/us/20150425/1021360503.html Space geeks are freaking out because NASA may have accidentally discovered a warp field, an avenue down which spaceships can travel faster than the speed of light – something that, to date, has only existed in science fiction. ................... Meanwhile, in the lab, NASA and other space programs were experimenting with the EmDrive, a thrust engine that would be able to move in space without the need for fuel. According to posts on NASASpaceFlight.com, a website devoted to the engineering side of space news, when lasers were fired through the EmDrive’s resonance chamber, some of the beams appeared to travel faster than the speed of light. If that’s true, it would mean that the EmDrive is producing a warp field or bubble. ......................
  16. Paramaribo the city where I spend 4 wonderfull years of my life. Partly Dutch/Surinamese and some English.
  17. buying into the scare mongering by the types of Nigel Paul Farage or Dutch politician Geert Wilders is stupid. Just plain stupid. According to Wilders the Netherlands would be overrun by Eastern Europeans. Guess what .... it didn't happen. All these people thrive on is sowing hate and divisions in society by getting out the immigrant bogyman and playing on nationalistic feelings. These kind of politicians have nothing to offer but hatred. The EU has done a lot for the people in Europe. A lot more than most will give it credit for. Do they need more tweaking, yes they do, but so does any process.
  18. Polygamy is the key to a long life http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14564-polygamy-is-the-key-to-a-long-life.html#.VTkMKZPX6J9 Hmmmm maybe it is time to convert to islam
  19. Ah I was afraid that everyone loved Obama, a good healthcare program and the Republicans and Tea party all of a sudden. Had me worried there. .... now back to my favorite entertainment
  20. waerth


    That makes it even more your fault! You are to blame for the moral degradation of Thai women
  21. Why is the USA thread about Thainess all of a sudden? Ran out of things to complain about?
  22. waerth


    Yes Khun Sanuk is to blame!!! The infidel!
  23. waerth


    Yes my son you were calling for me?
  24. waerth


    You do understand that if you go on like this someone will bite back right? And if that happens please don't cry.
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