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Posts posted by buffalo_bill

  1. The ones bashing President Trump get their information from the lying biased news...and they believe it!




    Mr Cav, here we now face a true crisis: based on studying the lying biased ( German ) news I come on this very Sunday to the conclusion that President Donald for a chance is right in complaining about lack of financial support for NATO against earlier agreements. I agree that f.e. Germany had a comfortable post war life by relying on big military spender USA. This is not justified and the Germans should settle the bill.


    The real crisis for the Trump fake press believers might now be that a big part of the government controlled fake press seems to share this my opinion. But probably most of the fake press accusers do not read anything anyway.




    Information :


    The official German Fake Press Coordination center ( GFPCC ) sits in a hollow spot 200 meters deep in der Black Forest with online connection into every news office including previous German colonies. Anybody printing the truth will be shot.

    • Like 1
  2. The ones bashing President Trump get their information from the lying biased news...and they believe it!


    They down play....oh, rapes and murders by the invaders....nothing to it, Are the invaders assimilating in to the culture?


    How's that assimilation going in the UK, France and Germany? Daily, the EU and UK is a war zone! The Scandinavian countries, they are flooded with rapes and murders....now there are no-go zones?




    Cav I am basically a very polite person due to education by my East Prussian protestant frugal ancestors but when I keep on reading your posts any longer I start developing a feeling that there must something wrong deep within your brain system. But then it sounds like a lot of Trumps statements.

  3. The tariff imbalances with Canada...same with China...you cannot see the imbalances? you need to get back to primary school...


    Jesus Christ, I was just trying to say that increasing import tariffs lead to higher domestic prices !!!!! Yes I know about the imbalances maybe much better than you and I even know that the jungle of international tariffs are based on a give and take over decades. This is much more complicated than a Trumpfollower will ever understand. European SUV´s cost 25 % import into the US and 10 vice versa.




    About your comparison of tariffs : if a US importer now buys steel from Canada and he has to pay 25 % import tax the consequence will be that he increases his domestic US sales price. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT ??? Which is why the US car manufacturers are complaing now. THE US CONSUMER HAS TO PAY THE PRICE .

  4. For all the Germans that have time to trash the USA while ignoring what is going on in their country...



    Mr Cavanami, I am not aware of any Germans present on this forum trashing the US in any way. Further I am not aware of any Germans present on this forum ignoring what is going on in their own country.


    In case you are wrongly targeting on myself i can only repeat once again again that I am full of sadness that a creature like Trump seems to be successfully ripping the US society apart and recently creates disorder all over the world. The man is nothing but a clown. I did always believe in the US as a guarantor for freedom and values and pray every day ( well not really) that this might come back. Mabye in about two years.


    Could you possibly explain how the German " authorities" could sucessfully " cover up " a brutal crime that happened in a subway in presence of probably hundreds of people and has been online in a thousand variations minutes after it happened ? Do you think they rang 200 newspapers, all TV stations and heaven knows whom else to keep quiet?


    The study about rates of criminality among refugees show accurate numbers; it has actually been initiated by the governmant of Lower Saxony, thus part of your "authorities " that to your opinion " are said to " cover up " such results. By far the majority of the criminal "refugees" come from Northern Africa and I also wish that all of them receive a kick in the ass that lets them fly back where they come from .


    Finally, Mr Cavanami , the question arises what you wish to tell this fine board by mentioning a murder in Hamburg plus rising rates of criminatlity within the refugee community. Mr Belgianboy did like your post, which speaks for itself about it´s intellectual level.

    • Like 1
  5. Today the US trade war with China starts. People from everywhere, myself included, buy from China because you get reasonable quality at low prices. The US consumer will notice in short time what kind of influence Donald´s glorious crusade will have on his wallet. There is a price to pay.

  6. this is getting more and more a private Coss threat for his anti-Trump bashing



    and then one wonders why there are so few active members on this Thai board hé ?



    just my 2 satang


    So far Mr Coss hasnt been threatening anybody. Should the unlikely happen that you have to say something meaningful you are invited to post it here.

  7. " Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. Others countries are even worse. Be smart America! "


    Trumo today with new findings. Be smart America and hospitalise the guy.

  8. Gentlemen,


    President Trump must have felt bored after the successful elimination of all North Korean nuclear devices and developed over the weekend the idea of a space army. In full support of this excellent idea I hereby I call all Bangkok-based US citizens to join the newly established Sukhumvit Space Conscripts. Basic training shall be had during the next available Isaan rocket festival.


    Boardmembers suffering from acrophobia but basic knowledge in bricklaying are requested to assemble around El Paso and support the project Mexican Wall coming Sunday.

    • Like 1
  9. https://t.co/2xO77NucUI


    This king of all morons again vomiting on twitter . Here are the fake News :


    Germany has the lowest level of criminality since 1992 .


    The current coalition divided over rejecting refugees at the border who have already been registered elsewhere


    The German people not turning against their government , though many dislike the numbers of people coming in . Agreement with Angie still about 50 %. One wonders where this braindead person gets his news from. Maybe FOX or after some gin and tonics in the bedroom.


    New to me that millions from somewhere did change strongly and violently change our culture. People in the US might well say that about Trump and the USA after he has left one day.


    And one for Cavanami who believes all this Trump-crap : criminality amongst refugees and so called refugees is somewhat higher than with our highly respected local criminals. Which is due to taking into account crossing the border illegally or not turning up at an interview being a violation of law.


    Nuff said

  10. Trump says he will call North Korea's Kim on Sunday -




    Probably to exchange the nuclear launch codes with his latest absolutely trustworthy buddy . And to balance for the greater quantity of US missiles Kim pays 1 million USD to the Trump Foundation


    The rich stay rich because they spend like they are poor. The poor stay poor because they spend like they are rich.


    Mr Mekong, sounds like you been to the Trump School of business.

  12. That's a bit stupid Cav






    Which shows the basic ( well one of the basic problems ) the Donald-supporters seem to have, as much as the German AFD rightwingpeople by the way : believing any garbage they find somewhere without even thinking of doublechecking the background. Which is what the free press has been made for, but that again is fake news as we learn.

  13. I would now suggest the White House souvenir department to offer coins with a nuke exploding over Tehran ( make sure they spell it properly so that nobody thinks it´s Tennessee ) and President Donald sitting on a beautiful white horse gallopping , well , somewhere. Whether or not the White House keeps on selling the coins would let the world know what is going to happen.


    George W. I seriously apologize the I have been talking badly about you and cynics like Cheney but I could not imagine it could become that worse. I am sorry.


    The following is a recent true story of the exploitation going on in Germany...




    It is in reality worse than this, I know of a confirmed story that a drunken person peed against a bus on Sunday. Germany in other words should be considered a ship sinking in chaos , criminality and peed busses.


    I don´t know what you want to tell us by the story above, even if the German restaurant owner would have raped her, what do we learn from it? That Trump is great or what is your conclusion.


    The German sinking ship is currently doing better than for many years, hard to find workers of all kind. If the lady in your story would place an advert in the local paper saying : Cook looking for job, immediately available , she would be buzy evaluating all the offers for the next 12 months.


    Nuff said

  15. Started selling the summitcoins , they are trivialising the presidency of the US . Maybe they launch another one with Donald and Stormy.


    Trump has in the meantime cancelled numerous agreements without establishing a single one himself.

  16. Do German companies with a presence in China complain about the roadblocks built into trying to run a foreign business in China, including having to disclose all business secrets, which the Chinese can then copy for their own businesses?


    Queen Angela is over there right now to complain about this and other. Further the Chinese are crazy buying German middle size companies to conquer their know how . I am seriously pleased about the Donald bringing this up in kind of bulldozer attitude because the Chinese won´t do anything otherwise. It is different in politics, they do not accept superiors any more.






    The Chinese are not very innovative,


    Another aspect that has to be watched. Mid term they shall become the leaders in electric mobility and some other growing hitec areas. They are many and they have dedication.

  17. I wish to officially inform the international community that I agree with Donald the President looking at the customs tariffs US/EU. The EU agricultural system is a perverted way of protecting the agricultural industry against any outside competition. Advantage France, mainly. If the Donald would ever be able to shoot this into pieces i would from now on put a baseball cap on my bald head saying Donald First.


    On the other hand his latest obsession seems to be the German automotive industry. Basically we are talking about import tariffs of 2,5 % into the US and 10 % into the EU. Pickups excluded. If this would be lowered to 2,5 % either way ( basis is landing cost ) I do not see anybody buying US built cars all of a sudden . Excluded BMW, DB ex US plants. I have virtually never met anybody in my life driving a US car, latest exception probably being the Ford Mustang. Plenty hp at low cost. The EU should agree to President Donald´s request and let him enjoy the glory. Which is the only thing he is after anyway.


    Gentlemen, I am now exhausted from this thoughtful post but would finally like to make known that the German/Chinese trade balance is in favour of Germany. Which is not result of Angela establishing high tariffs on fridges or cars but of efficient workmanship. High tariffs take pressure away but promote inefficiency. Nuff said.

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