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buffalo_bill last won the day on January 8

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  1. Gentlemen, I have been watching numerous videos showing the California fires. There is virtually nothing left of thousands of houses, how is this possible? Are they made of plywood?
  2. It is not only the state of the government, it also is the state of the current majority of the US people, look at this, November 2024:
  3. Biden in Carter eulogy: There is an obligation to stand up to abuse of power Hopefully the US citizens were listening , but : Which might include refraining from pardoning family members
  4. Sometimes I wonder what might have happend to all these people, it was now more than 20 years ago. The Norwegian guy´s Marriage in Buriram has been so hilarious, I read it maybe 100 times. Guy who thought sexy bargirl loved him.
  5. Gentlemen, there have been glorious times on this fine board when many a people posted truely unforgettable pieces. Does anybody of you remember RICSCURR´s man from Greenland? It might be of unexpected actuality as President Orange does not exclude to send the military over there as it looks. Quote Ricscurr meeting lady bah: " Whereyoufrom ? " I am from Greenland " " Oh Greenland man very good....Greenland! Where Greenland, i no hear before. Gentlemen, I wish to thank the Lord for these gems, I fortunately hardcopied some of them, another one poster My Cow Jai: "Bar girl wurking tree day met man tree munt ago ". Posted 2002/06/12. Another one " here is what my wedding in buriram was like; posted by a Norwegian bloke on 10/09/2002. These were the great times, anything following called "Social Media" appear to be just pure crap. Sorry to bring this up once again.
  6. I think this all sounds very promising and I am looking forward to a Royal succession that even beats the greatness of the current Royal ruler. They just would have to find somebody who .. , ok I prefer to stop here.
  7. Neither did I. As if anybody publishing his insults via internet sources would ever be able to worry me, laughable. Which makes me remind the board of the probably 20 years old question of the honorable member Wildalaska : Can we ignore ourselves? Unanswered it remains.
  8. Comment withdrawn, this seems to be a much more complex event.
  9. Neither I am an air safety expert but they approached with no landing gear out which should have resulted in a hell of warning lights. Plenty of time to go around and to prepare a layer of foam and 50 firetrucks.
  10. Merry Christmas gentlemen, Kwanza I found out is the Angolan currency. Special thanks go out to Mr. Coss for : Practical Tips Organizational Strategies: Create designated places for frequently arriving items. For instance, have a specific basket for Amazon deliveries or a shelf for food from Uber eats. This helps reduce clutter and makes things easier to locate. Neither I buy from Amazon and God forbid Uber eats but the general concept sounds attractive.
  11. So what would be left for the USA thread? Mr. Jigger to avoid this fine board to go down the drain I may suggest to invest some thought into limiting some participants to insult other boardmembers, dead or alive. Recently observed hostility should not be tolerated. Over to you.
  12. Update as per today: Donald wants to occupy, buy, steal or rent Greenland. Not a new idea for him but it shows strategic thinking. I bet the next candidates would be Canada and Mexico. Make America even greater again.
  13. Boardmembers about to sail into the Pacific via Panama should wait a few days after January 20th because like grocery-prices according to President Elect Yellowman ticketprices for the Canal should implode. And if not, Yellowman will take the whole Canal probably including Panama as such. Would I be Yellowmans spindoctor I would lace a 24 hours action-bundle of: Terminating the war in Ucraine, confiscate Panama, cut groceryprices by half and reanimate the rustbelt right away by charging Mercedes 80 % import duty. I would then call it the Great American Breakthrough. I foresee one of the greatest political comedies the world has ever seen. North Corea and Somalia appear as stable countries in comparison. Holy Lord.
  14. "This year marks the Buffalo Bills’ best chance of a Super Bowl win yet" says CNC. I´ll do what I can.
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