there have been glorious times on this fine board when many a people posted truely unforgettable pieces. Does anybody of you remember RICSCURR´s man from Greenland? It might be of unexpected actuality as President Orange does not exclude to send the military over there as it looks.
Quote Ricscurr meeting lady bah:
" Whereyoufrom ?
" I am from Greenland "
" Oh Greenland man very good....Greenland! Where Greenland, i no hear before.
Gentlemen, I wish to thank the Lord for these gems, I fortunately hardcopied some of them, another one poster My Cow Jai:
"Bar girl wurking tree day met man tree munt ago ". Posted 2002/06/12.
Another one " here is what my wedding in buriram was like; posted by a Norwegian bloke on 10/09/2002.
These were the great times, anything following called "Social Media" appear to be just pure crap.
Sorry to bring this up once again.