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Everything posted by Palatkik

  1. Hounds Of Love [2016] Brilliantly directed fictional Australian psychological thriller of sex and depravity by two Perth serial killers in 1987 will leave you feeling rather mucky.
  2. Not sure if it's been mentioned but I see the Stickman weekly is to die a death this coming weekend. 16 years eh? No not as long as Trink.
  3. A Yorkshire-man goes to the vet. The vet says "I hear you've got a problem with your cat". "Aye" the man replies. "Is it a tom?" the vet asks. "No" the man replies" I brought it wi' me"
  4. Letters from Baghdad [2016] One for the history buffs, a dramatized documentary reading the letters of the British explorer Gertrude Bells time exploring the Arabian desert through the end of World War 1 until her last day in Iraq, with a backdrop of some fine archival footage of the era.
  5. Endless Poetry [2016] An award winning Chilean-French surrealist autobiography of Alejandro Jodorowsky who at 88 years old has come up with a visually jarring movie from start to end that can be a bit of a slog for non-Chilean or French speakers but worth it. Perhaps the first mainstream film to include menstruating dwarf sex!?
  6. Ill Behaviour [2017] Enjoyable British dark comedy in a three part series about a guy with Hodgkin's lymphoma.
  7. The Lovers [2017] An original deadpan comedy that raises a few laughs in a brutal study of midlife marriage crises and trading spouses.
  8. If you thought your commute to work was bad... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMCrj02SUlA
  9. Mia Madre [2016] Award nominated funny and sad Italian drama about a movie director and her aging mother, memorable for the hammy performance by John Turtorro.
  10. Son: I got suspended for bad language. Dad: What did you say? Son: The 'C' word. Dad: Well that wasn't clever was it. Son: No, it was cunt.
  11. The Dinner [2017] The third movie rendition of a Dutch novel, this one from Hollywood about two families who meet for dinner to discuss the future of their children after a crime. I read the novelist walked out the screening thinking the movie was wrong. I have not seen the other two versions from Europe or read the book but this film is painful. Interesting to watch for comedian Steve Coogan in a serious role-play as a teacher with mental health issues as Richard Gere does what he always does. The amazing food menu soothes us from some annoying arguments to have to listen to.
  12. Persepolis [2007] French-Iranian animated biography of the life of a rebellious Iranian woman and her travels between home and Europe during the time of the Iranian revolution. It was voted one of 2007 top ten movies and blocked in Bangkok at the time to avoid a diplomatic incident. The English version is dubbed by the uncredited Iggy Pop but I can only find the French on torrent today.
  13. Absolutely Anything [2017] Eccentric aliens in a far off place experiment on a single human on earth by providing him the ability to do absolutely anything. A Terry Jones comedy with a touch of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy about it. It is not as hilarious as it might have been but memorable for its feel good British style lunacy as well as being the last movies of Robin Williams and likely that of the currently remaining members of Monty Python!
  14. Great stuff. Putin watching Dr Strangelove for first time - classic.
  15. White Material [2009] Civil war movie set in post anarchic French colonial Africa recommended for its brutally atmospheric closely cropped scenes rather than the plot itself.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYZKrn7Bbl8
  17. Going In Style [2017] This 90-minute revamp of the original ‘71 movie that feels like 3 hours, is a comedy crime caper of three octogenarians robbing a bank to make amends for their pension plan scam. It is only of interest by having a top leading cast who perhaps can be forgiven this self-indulgent fluff in their twilight years.
  18. Amelia Earhart - The Lost Evidence [2017] A documentary as only the History Channel can make (i.e. at times biased) this is no different, with a one sided view about a photo others since say was taken much earlier suggesting the aviator is part of a Japanese prisoner of war cover-up. Comes across as a nice holiday in the Pacific islands for the presenters and does not seem to prove a thing so far. Maybe fodder for a long running TV series. Yawn.
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