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Everything posted by Hugh_Hoy

  1. If McCain was not a war hero, I question how far he would have succeeded in his political career as a Republican...even as a "moderate" Republican. This is certainly good news for Barry, cuz during the televised discussion on C-Span regarding health care legislation, McCain and Obama dueled it out pretty good for a minute or so. I did notice that McCain incorporated a bit of a disclaimer when addressing his seance with Barry; indicating that he has respect for the office of the Presidency, but not specifically saying Obama himself. HH
  2. Okay, son. Allowance given. Everybody's entitled to occasional PUI. :content: HH
  3. No, no, no...re-read the thread. I NEVER promised anything ! You were the one who made a promise and proceeded to lay out your (non)health history, etc. You promised that you would do so upon the condition that I answer your questions. I never responded to that. I don't mind you (or anybody) disagreeing with me, but I'm not fond of somebody saying that I broke a promise. Oh, BTW, would you like to see copies of my Uniform Baseball Umpire contracts? They are all signed by league presidents and have my name on them. (Where is the "get f--ced" smilie, anybody?) HH
  4. Don't hold your breath. No reason to provide personal information and I doubt if my answer would satisfy those who disagree with me. However, I congratulate you on your good fortune and hope that it continues. Just hope some drunk driver without insurance doesn't send you into a wheelchair. HH
  5. LK...civics lession from YOU? Now, that is rich! Yes, please, cite me where in the "Thomas Register" I can read the minutes of the committee meetings. PLEASE. Unless you're looking for a manufacturing source for more- effective bullshit spreaders, I suggest that you try the "Congressional Register" first. (Back to Matchbook U for you, son.) HH
  6. Just curious, Allistar. Do you have health insurance? Are you satisfied with it? Do you pay all or a portion of the premium? If employed, does your employer play all or part of the premium? Is your insurance a form of Medicaid? HH
  7. BKT...have you had your water well tested for lead lately? HH
  8. I happened to watch the TV coverage (live) of the big healthcare pow-wow organised and orchestrated by Obama. Fucking joke. It was supposed to be an opportunity for the GOP to present their ideas. All Obama would say was something like "it's something to think about". I don't ever recall him saying "good idea". Somebody put a timer on the speakers. Guess what? Even though there were basically the same number of Demos and GOP legislators at the meeting, Demos were given the floor to talk about 3/4 of the time...and Barry took up about 3/4 of that time. So don't call it bullshit. The bullshit is the 2500 page Obamacare legislation. A fucking monkey at a keyboard could have done better. HH
  9. Take 2 aspirin and go to bed. HH
  10. WHEN the Supreme Court invalidates Obamacare, it will demonstrate that the framers of the Constition brilliantly provided for checks and balances and that the system does occasionally work the way it was designed. The decision WILL draw a line in the sand and say that the Legislative and Executive branches can not dictate to individuals and states whatever they think they like. LK, you keep saying the GOP didn't propose any plan for four years. That's a blatant falsehood. Further, as the process was hurried along, they were decidedly locked out of meetings in which the plan was put together. In the meantime, Pelosi et. al. were promising all sorts of special deals with members of their own party as they were needed to get enough votes from within. Even in face of polls which showed the majority of the public was against their legislation, the Demoncraps rammed it down our throats. 12 weeks ago, the public decisvely let them know what they thought about the plan and how it was concocted. And as the plan makes it way through the courts, Obamacare will have a wooden stake driven into it's heart. Now stop your whimpering and live with it. I don't know why you really give a shit. You've stated that you don't plan to return to the U.S. Doesn't pertain to you. :content: HH
  11. LK...don't get your panties in a twist. As soon as the U.S. Supreme Court invalidates Obamacare, the GOP will be offering a better law. It will undoubedly be one not cobbled together in the same secretive, corrupt fashion that the Demo's threw it's together (killing entire forests to produce God only knows how many copies 2500 pages long). And, as a bonus, you won't have to watch and listen to that lying cunt Pelosi feed you shit about how great it is. :content: ) HH
  12. When LK went to college, there were no internet classes available. I'm beginning to conclude he completed his course in "logic" from "Matchbook U" (via correspondence). HH
  13. Steve...big difference between the Federal government mandating that you buy health insurance and a STATE requiring that you buy auto LIABILITY insurance. What's next? Obama mandating that you buy a gym membership? I think the best way is to take away the mandate that hospitals MUST treat anybody who shows up. That will generate more people to pay up to an insurance company. Those who can't afford it can apply for a "waiver card"...with the provision that you'll never get treated for free again if found you have lied on your application. :content: Oh...and make the this applicable ONLY to legal U.S. residents. Illegals must be reported and INS MUST immediately respond and remove the illegals (unregistered Democrats) from the country. :content: HH
  14. Yes. No. And everybody will still die. HH
  15. He's absolutely correct about the trade imbalance with China and how high tariff rates would help balance the debt/budget and how jobs in the U.S. would be saved/created. Administration after administration has fucked the average American with extremely poor trade agreements. It's time we took to the streets ! Let's find some old clunkers to burn ! Gather up Chinese flags and and burn em while we're at it. Wait...it isn't the fault of the Chinese. It's the fault of the traitors in our midst...the legislators we've been sending to Washington for decades. They shit on us big time. They pissed backward on us. Sodomized us ! They've exported jobs to other countries...and when that wouldn't work enough commercial miracles, the jobs left in the country were "jobs no American would do". What a bunch of fucksticks. HH
  16. We'll get to celebrate the sinking of Obama's "signature" legislation and his horseshit plan just in time for the next election. The GOP will use this victory over leftist fascism as a springboard to claim both houses of Congress and the White House. HH
  17. Rapes people? OMG, OH! Prop 13 was enacted by the people because the politicians and their thirst for $ for their bullshit programs were raping the homeowner. Laws often have unintended consequences. But it is hardly the only law deemed inequitable relating to taxes. Shit, almost half of Americans don't pay ANY income tax. So, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease..........don't get me started on that shit. :content: HH
  18. What's wrong with Prop 13? It's the greatest benefit ever bestowed on homeowners. It took "the people" and not politicians to get it enacted. Without it, millions would have lost their homes to Demoncrap politicians who never saw a tax they don't like to raise or initiate. Just so as not to confuse others, it has been several decades of Demoncrat legislative bodies, illegal immigration, and a stupid voting populace that are responsible for the financial mess the State of CA is in. The Demoncrat legislature votes for more spending than it has in income, the wetbacks bring far LESS to the table than they consume, and the voting populace is overwhelmingly Demoncrap. You can't blame Prop 13 for the problems. Other states which do not have it also have severe financial problems...and most of those states are "blue states". HH
  19. Your opinion seems to be shared by most ALL professional movie critics. I like Jolie and Depp...good actors and usually in good movies. I don't think I'll even rent this one when it's put on the shelf. HH
  20. 5555555555555 You posted this while I was composing my reply. Just saw it now. HH
  21. I could care less if all that stuff was not in place. In fact, if it weren't, maybe my taxes and health insurance premiums might be lower. :content: As for the "short bus", we didn't have them in my day. We had to walk through snow for miles and brave Indian attacks to get to the school house. It's only been in the last decades that "special needs" kids like yourself got picked up at your doorsteps and delivered to school all safely and compfy ready to learn that you can really tie your shoes without Uncle Sam's help if you practice enough. (You figured out how to untie them without Government assistance yet?) Stev-o-rino...not to worry. LK and I agreed years ago not to take stuff personally here no matter how much we punch and counter-punch. (In fact, we typically have at least a beer or few together if both of us are in BKK at the same time when I visit the LOS.) So nobody gets hurt. LK's famous ego prevents him from getting even bruised. It's known that I umpired pro baseball for a number of years. Not a job for the faint of heart and I've been called everything you can think of. So, LK's "short bus" stuff registers about -9.5 on the insult scale . :content: HH
  22. Ended in 1996? 5555555555555555 Yeah, right. Great punchline, LK. But I've read better from you. From just a week ago: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/01/19/welfare-tab-children-illegal-immigrants-estimated-m-la-county/ So no more government housing? No more subsidized utilities? No more food stamps? No more free breakfasts/lunches at schools? No more free milk? No more SSI? No more free medical treatment? There must be 100's of welfare/entitlement programs prized by the poor, disadvantaged, never employed, lazy, parasites that rely on guys like you taking away other people's wages to provide them with WELFARE. It's painfully obvious that since you left the country, you've lost touch with a lot of stuff. HH
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