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Everything posted by Steve

  1. The Germans still have their Autobahn as well as high speed so the two can coexist. LA shut down it's trolley system even though it was popular. I am not sure it had to be either or. Finally, what specifically do the Republicans in California have against it? I'd be very curious to know. Maybe they have cogent reasons. For that matter, the same for the reasons the Republican govs if Wisconsin and Florida as well.
  2. The government, and by that term, I'm including state and local, can pretty much do what ever they want. There is NO expectation of privacy any longer. The courts are increasingly backing them up on any thing they do. The government doesn't even try to hide it anymore. They've won. EVERY national crisis is seen as an opportunity to make their rule more overt. 911 usshered in unprecedented very public limitations and violations on citizens. These includes treatment at airports, murder, without trial if you are overseas in the company of 'suspected' terrorists. While I shed no tears for these guys killed, its a very, very scary precedence. The government has always extrapolated a law and expanded it to areas that it was not intended for (RICO statutes expanded to even Wall Street for example). Its over. They've won and we as a collective have let them. They're laughing at us on here divided over party politics and such when in reality they're all one and the same.
  3. Dean, maybe you are right. The real battle is the public perception which until now has been controlled by the healthcare industry and pols from both parties who are bought off. Put together a bipartisan panel to look at it which I'm 100% certain would expose the mess, then use that as the mandate to craft a healthcare plan.
  4. I think one of if not the biggest mistake of Obama was his going so hard for the health care plan so early on. The immediate issue in the minds of Americans was the financial crisis. It was first and foremost and a scary thing psychologically to the nation. He should have spent that political capital on a massive infrastructure spending bill with enough money directed to Republican governed states to keep their traps shut. When the ecnonomy picked up, then he could introduce the bill in his 2nd term. But first lay the groundwork by having a national debate about the issue. Maybe having an impartial panel research the need, knowing they would, and using that as proof that a plan was needed. Credit to him for seeing the need as Clinton did before him though. The Republicans won't tackle the issue. Obamacare may not be the best plan but its being addressed. It NEEDS to be addressed and the Republicans not wanting to is harmful to the country. I think its at crisis level. Having traveled to several industrialized nations and seeing the fear over ever being sick not an issue, it makes the American health care system seem worse than I imagined. Most Americans don't travel and don't spend any time in any other country so they don't know. Its like how it was in my grandparents day where you were scared if you had any sort of serious illness you were f*cked. Royally.
  5. I couldn't tell u jack schitt about the health care bill but the fact that the entire health industry doesn't like it makes me think it's needed. I heard a few non aligned former practicing physician on CNN recently talk about how over the top the criticisms are. Also, the main,argument seems to be the required payment NOT the need for it. My question then is if the opponents aren't arguing that it's not necessary why not help draft a solution?
  6. The religious right and by religious right, we're talking about white, fundmental protestants. Mostly baptist or closely related, started out as a one issue group. Pro life. They went with the party that was most likely to support their cause. No way the Democrats were going to pro life. These days they are mainly a two issue group. Pro life and anti gay marriage, which wasn't an issue 20 or 30 years ago. There are many catholics who are mainly Democrats but will vote for candidates who are strongly pro life. Just about all Christians believe abortion is wrong. Black churches do and preach its wrong but in the black churches they place jobs and other 'dinner table' issues above abortion. Abortion is secondary because so many of the members are poor and indigent. So housing, jobs, etc. are far more important. Jews or those religious ones view abortion as wrong as well but its a personal choice to them, so other issues are more important (Israel, jobs, etc.). America has a deep, deep history of mistrust of the government. The country was founded on it, the founding fathers, who ran the country, spoke out against and wrote laws limiting the scope of government in our lives. American culture for decades since its founding was all about personal responsibility and that you are responsible for your own success or failure. So, when you say that they vote against bettering their own standard of living, its really about voting against the government trying to better their standard of living. Culturally we have a history of seeing anything the government does in trying to better ourselves as a sereptious way of controling our lives. The thinking is the government will give you things to improve your life in return for your personal liberties and freedom. Maybe an example of this is the social welfare system. If you want food stamps, public housing, etc. the government gets to know all your personal and financial business. Its their home so they can send inspectors. Its their food stamps so they can demand the last 3 years of your tax return and ask you all kinds of personal things. They can tell a woman she can't even have an adult male over 18 living "her" (really the government's) home. To some folks, letting the government do things comes with a price and that price will be your privacy. Of course there is a line. The government should perform certain functions (build and maintain roads, etc.). What those functions are and the scope is what people differ on.
  7. Good point. I think many of us have taken jobs we deemed 'beneath' us a temporary stop gap while we waited for something better. I recall inbetween jobs, coming back from a stint overseas, savings dwindling and applying to blockbuster video and fast food restaurants because I couldn't get a "real job" and had rent to pay. Surprisingly, I didn't get those jobs and was shocked why. I had to 'dumb down' my resume. I took out the part saying I was a college graduate and said I was currently in junior college. I was taking a japanese class before and technically still enrolled. Walmart brought me in for an interview and a better job, not my ideal but paying well enough, came in. I've also lived on my brothers sofa once for a month or two so that I could save enough for my own apartment. Still though, there are some genuine poor folks out there. Even if she (and others) did take a McDonalds job you're living paycheck to paycheck...not even that. Can't afford even a studio apartment on those wages. Its where friends and family come in I guess. In the old days you relied on each other. I don't see that as much these days. Where is her family? Friends?
  8. This is f*cking scary. It can happen to any of us... http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/the-sharp-sudden-decline-of-americas-middle-class-20120622
  9. All this talk about leaving America is bullshit. No one is going anywhere. The same as Baldwiin and others said they were gonna do in 2000. Which made no sense at the time (in retrospect yes...lol). It gave me a little sympathy for Bush because he wasn't given a chance. Granted, he f*cked up his chance but no one knew for sure and how he f*cked up was not predicted. No one was saying if we elect Bush we'd go to war. It was more about social issues like abortion, etc. which didn't come to fruition. Moving after 2004 election had some merit. Anyway, what I imgagine may happen with regards to the health care bill is that it becomes part of our society. Just like social security, medicare and other government programrs. That's the biggest fear for opponents. You can't get rid of something that has become part of society. Very difficult to do so. Its why ending Social Security as some Republicans talk about doing will be very, very difficult. Its part of the American consciousness. We may not like it but its now an expectation. Health care will go the same route. The only hope is if Romney wins. It will be new enough to get rid of alter because we haven't used it. If a Republican wins in 4 years, it may be too late. I still think the vehemence against it is far more about being anti Obama than its merit. I still say had a Republican recommended it they'd hail it as visionary. When it was done on a state level you never heard a national outcry from the rest of the states. Some things do have a national outcry even though its limited to one state and they are not affected. The Arizona immigration and abortion laws for example as well as the Wisconsin laws. Also, the same sex marriage in some states. Religious right went bat shit over it and it became part of the national debate even though they weren't affected by it. Unaffected people talked about all these things on talk shows, etc. and its part of the national debate even though 90% of Americans aren't effected by it. However, you didn't hear the same national debate when Mass., and other states had a similar Obamacare bill. They didn't give a shit. With about 2 of every 3 personal bankruptcies tied to Health Care costs and America having by a far, far gap, the most expensive health care in the world and above otehr industrialized nations, its a bonafide national crisis that is just as, if not more important than any other domestic issue we have. Avoiding it or trying to paper over the cracks as Republicans do is a friggin' disgrace. I know why. Its about keeping the money coming from those folks and the sad thing is that many Dems are controlled by the same money and they are even more hypocritical. At least a Republican can claim an ideological opposition sans the campaign money. Dems have no such excuse. The Health Savings account thingy conservatives propose is bullshit. It leaves the instittions in place and changes none of that. Also, it leaves too many poor and working class without enough money for too many health issues. Seen and unforseen issues. I'm healthy (knock on wood), never had a sick day in my life. Never had to call in sick. But I chose my last few jobs based on their health care plan. The money was almost secondary. I recall turning down once a pretty good job that had a lot of incentives, etc because the health care plan was crap. They knew it and aaid in interviews that if you hit your goals you will have the money to buy your own insurance in addition to the one they had. What amazes me is that Republicans as well as Dems MUST be part of that 2/3 that have gone through that brutal bankruptcy process due to medical bills but are fighting any changes tooth and nail. That's a head scratcher to me. I have many conservative friends, who I know are one paycheck away from the street if they were to get sick but their only view about health care is that Obamacare is somewhere between Mao and Stalin. They don't demand that the health care system changes. They don't demand the Republican proposed changes. They only say 'Obamacare is socialist' parrotting Rush and Glen Beck. My own family members who are conservative. Its utterly amazing to me. We as a people need to get our collective heads out of our asses and stop seeing the party affiliation as the country and the opposition party as the enemy. They are your fellow citizens, fellow Americans and in many cases your friends and family.
  10. I'm certainly no constitutional scholar but my 'gut' says its unconstitutional. My beef is bigger than this. My beef is BOTH parties picking and choosing things the opposition does that are not constitutional or doesn't pass the sniff test and then make excuses when its their guy. Both parties to do it. Obama has been trampling the same constitution that Bush/Cheney was jumping up and down on for 8 years. We're about to have drones flying over our heads monitoring us. Okay, I sound like a conspiracy nut and maybe I am but it WILL happen. I am 100% certain. Where does that hold up with the constitution? Neither party will fight that because so many ways for the government and the military industrial complex to make money off it. Its all BULLSHIT. At least this is something that is designed to help people. Some of the other bullshit that the government has been playing us on are things that designed to hurt us. Yeah...yeah...I know ANY violation of the constitution hurts us. I totally agree. However, some are done with the wrongheaded but good hearted intention that its for our own good (health care) and some are done to keep us in line (echelong reading our emails/phone calls, drones, etc.). Do you all really think this will change anything? I will be shocked if medical prices drop some if at all when this thing takes full effect. Why? The powers that be are still in charge. They still own the Congress and the White House and they will find a way around and we'll have a new unforseen problem due to the Law of Unforseen Consequences. When you change something to fix something you end up with an entirely new and bigger unforseen problem. Sorta like how mongooses were introduced by the British on some Caribbean islands to curb the snake problems they found when they founded colonies there and then the rats ran wild and almost wiped out some islands like Jamaica at one point because of the diseases. I still believe that if McCain won and intoduced the SAME f*cking thing you would NOT get the opposition from the right as you did. Nixon recognized China and not much from the far right. Clinton slashes welfare and black/latino voters think he should still be on Mt. Rushmore. Its all about your party. Your guy can do whatever but the other guy can't. Total and utter bullshit. I absolutely totally believe that many people see their party AS America. Their party IS America so what the party does or rather its candidates is what America should be doing. They are more loyal to their political party than to America. The relligious right are possibly the biggest hypocrites of them all. It was all fine and good when their candidate was a Christian. They'd openly say its biblical to support a Christian over an unsaved....UNTIL your guy isn't and he's running against a publicly vocal saved Christian. They even question Obama's sincerity as a Christian. The bible says 'just confess publicly' No other litmust test is needed. If you say you are, you are....but they will say 'well, he doesn't ACT like he's saved so I'm not sure. I know so and so and he's saved' Sorry, one of my rambling, incoherent rants. Just sooooooo tired of all the bullshit. I'd put a cross dressing, dick sucking, former Klansman (f*ck even current) in the white house if I knew for sure he'd at least govern fairly, honestly with integrity and checks the constitution before he signs anything. I'm not joking.
  11. I am not dancing in the streets. I'm happy about it in some ways and the libertarian part of me isnt. Anyway I honestly believe the opposition right who fought it with such a religious zealotry was no more than anger over losing the election and all about Obama. Had a republican president did the same exact thing conservatives would've called him visionary. Clinton massively changed social welfare and nary a peep from the right who have used that issue to get elected. It's all bs and party uber alles, even over America. This actually galvanizes the right and helps Romney i think. Just my guess. Also I think with the erosion of civil liberties it has minimized the power of the supreme court and there will be fewer pivotal cases. How the right lost me on this issue was that they fought against it in principle but it was ok for a state though. I know the difference but it ain't much. If they had fought it as strongly within states I'd buy it. America remains to me like the old Brooklyn dodgers and I'm one if the fans. I love it but they're still "da bums"
  12. The law as it is has been so watered down I don't expect much change in how to dispense health care in this country. The industry powers still have the power. There is all this talk about Bain and Obama has been running ads non stop. I don't hold Romney accountable for any work he did there that resulted in companies moving operations overseas. Its what he's paid to do. He wasn't there to save American jobs but to make money. He wasn't breaking any laws and if his deals made him rich, then I would consider it more of an endorsement than a negative. Both sides do it, but I'm tired of the BS that don't matter. The problem is it works. It works on the masses. One of the millions of reasons I'd never consider Trump is because he's bankrupted a few of his companies and his ego. I can't see him checking that ego. Also, he's been a rich spoiled kid for a while. Nothing wrong with coming from money but his mannerism doesn't say "I feel your pain". JFK and RFK grew up wealthy but had the common touch to seem to empathize with common folks. This election has become like the others. Tit for tag, name calling and nothing of substance being discussed.
  13. You're a bad boy Flash and I'm gonna send over my favorite bar girl to spank you. lol. This story is heartbreaking: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/trending-now/veteran-gets-surprising-response-selling-army-medal-ebay-162944491.html When Bill Shephard, 43, from Woodbury, New Jersey, came home from Iraq in 2009, he returned to his previous job at Best Buy -- that is, until his department shut down. After his unemployment ran out, Shephard worked odd jobs to provide for his wife and kids, but he couldn't make ends meet. That's when he turned to his last resort. Hoping to raise enough money to buy a lawnmower and start a landscaping business, he made a painful decision: He would sell the Achievement Medal he had earned in the Army. Shephard put the medal on eBay, along with a message explaining his intentions. Word spread quickly, and eBay users were so touched by the veteran's resourcefulness, the bidding price soared. It topped out at a whopping $5,200. Offers of clothes, jobs, and other donations also came in. Said Shephard, "It was beyond anything I would have ever expected." Maybe there is such a program. I don't know but I would like to see some incentive for companies to hire not only vets, especially combat vets but ex cons of non violent crime. My idea would be a cut in the amount companies pay on paycheck stubs for all kinds of things including health care costs. Maybe for the first 12 or 18 months. An amount to make companies consider it seriously without it being too much to hurt other applicants. Police departments hire a lot of ex military. To a lesser extent Fire departments have as well but those two areas are severely cut back these days. The one thing I do love about the American people is that we have a heart. We will donate with time and money to people such as these as well as other places around the world. Not that other countries don't do it but Americans have a big heart. We really do. Many people I've met on my travels were suprised at how friendly and welcoming Americans are to visitors. Even NYC which has a bad rep, I know many Brits on my football forum who say when lost NYers gladly advise them. The smaller the city the more friendlier we seem to many people. I'm proud of that. We may not be able to find your country on a map, we may ask a Brit if they speak english in your country but we genuinely like visitors. Anyone can be American. Any race or ethnic group. We have all kinds representing the country in all kinds of sports and they could be of Indian descent, black, Asian, etc. but if they have USA on their shirts they're American.
  14. The teased grdandma bus monitor gets 335k in donations for a vacation fund. That's cool. http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/06/21/12340630-vacation-fund-for-bullied-bus-monitor-tops-300000?lite
  15. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/47896993/ns/today-today_news/t/school-bus-monitor-wont-press-charges-against-really-nasty-kids/#.T-Nfo7Vq2TO This video of a grandmother who was a school bus monitor has gone viral. She was teased/bullied mercilessly by the middle school students she was protecting on the bus. As you can see in the video she was moved to tears from the cruel words. We live in an electronic world. I'm reminded of this every day. Truth is stuff like this has been happening for years and years. Only difference is today there is a strong chance it will be recorded. Students have always spoken about teachers. Written notes that Mr or Mrs so and so is whatever. Or drew pictures when I was in elementary school and every once in a while some kids drawing gets them in trouble and sent to the Principal's office. Its not right but its part of school. These kids seem especially cruel and we NEVER would speak to an adult like that. NEVER. While some parents will be embarrassed that their son or daughter was involved some will minimize it as typical school stuff. There is a generation of parents these days who have a my kid can do no wrong mentality. My mom would have beat my ass and made me publicly apologize to the woman in front of everyone. I don't want to even think what my dad would do. Both the punishment and the fact I disappointed them would have been too much for me. The look of disappointement from my dad would have been worse than any physical punishment. You don't have that these days. I know if any of my nephews would have done anything like that I'd be on their ass as my uncles were. If I was too bad at my uncles, I'd beg him to punish me himself and keep it there rather than send me home with a phone call to my parents why I was not there. That would have been worse...lol. If it was bad enough my uncle wouldn't give me a whack or two on the ass, he'd just send me home and call my parents...lol...knowing they'd do worse than what he would ever do. Anyway, someone in the video said we don't have a bad child problem but a bad parent problem. Kids allowed to scream at them in stores, act up, etc. If they are disruptive in a theatre or restaurant the rest of us are supposed to understand that 'kids are kids'. Kids are a different breed nowadays. My older sister, who has a few yaars on me, was child of the '70s told stories of being sent home by women in her neighborhood for wearing 'hot pants'. In LA at a laundramat I saw a young girl who had to be about 12 or 13 at most with the smallest shorts ever. Practically a belt, looked something like you see in the go gos. I respectfully told her 'hey, there are a lot of crazy guys around these days and its not wise to dress a certain way. its an invitation for trouble. You may want to change your attire'. She ripped me a new one. Told me I wasn't her f*cking daddy and to mind my own f*cking business. She can wear what the f*ck she wants to wear'. No parent around either. I just gave her a smirk look and shook my head. Some old latina women nearby called me over and padded me on the back and told me I did the right thing. This was a long time ago. Not sure I'd do that again. If it was a neighbor's, friends kid or relative, sure. Stranger? No. Not with how things are these days as a guy. You say anything to an underage girl, even if its to help, you're labled. I grew up in churches where if you were a young girl and the skirt was too far above the knee they "called you out" as the saying goes and sent you home. My dad, a deacon, did that regularly. My sister dressed like a friggin' moslem at church for years...lol. Which explains her moving to LA and wearing 'booty shorts' when she was in her '20s...lol. Anyway, kids these days are a terror. Its our own fault collectively. The electronic age is changing things and some times kids are making choices that will follow them forever. There are a few youtube or twitter messages from teens who have said all kinds of anti gay, racist, etc. things that have gone viral. When that kid applies to college or tries to get a job that could follow them. There was a white teen girl in Florida a few months ago who had a black bf and made a youtube video of why black girls aren't good enough for black guys. It went viral. She had to leave her school because of death threats. Her parents were shocked about it and said they never raised their daughter like that but her multicultural neighbors didn't believe it. The girl got messages saying that every school she applies to will see that video. Its gonna haunt her for at least the near future. Her university and job prospects are now gone...at least a good one. Yes, it was stupid but she shoudn't pay that price. We've all said stupid shit. Racist shit. Anti gay. Anti semetic. etc. either joking or in anger. I have done all those things. I'd be shocked if any of my non white friends haven't said a racist thing. Its being human. I love 'em just the same. Its not right but its being human. We've ALL said things. Its the whole life is what is important and who the person is, not a random comment. Problem is nowadays one slip up can label you forever.
  16. There was a recent article several weeks ago that said that the majority of children born in America are now non-white. It worries me. Strange to hear that from a black guy...lol. Many of them latinos, specifically Mexican-American heritage. A lot of the others Asian. My problem with the latter is the animus many have about America. There is a fairly strong 'reconquista' mood amongst them that they will re-conquer lost territory they lost in the Mexican American war for Mexico. The european immigrans in the 1800s and 1900s wanted very badly to be 'American'. I don't see that. As for the Asian Americans, there is sometimes animus between them and blacks (especially Korean). Blacks share a good portion of that blame but at least with the majority culture (white) we share an understanding. There isn't much difference anymore between middle and upper middle class blacks and whites. The animus is mainly with the poorest of blacks. There is a very strong and vibrant black middle class that has been living in mostly white communities now since the '80s and '90s. My nephews are of that era. They grew up in solidly middle class, largely white San Fernando valley area of Los Angeles. They were smart, good kids (one is currently an engineering student at UCLA) with neighbors who knew them from birth and see them the same as any other kid. As welcome in their homes as anyone. I mix easily with anyone and everyone as well. I think middle class or the middle class mindset is good and just about all groups get along who have that mindset for the most part. You still have some folks though who aren't as open minded. Kids are kids, they will always get along. But often you find a middle class parent who has reservations about their kid being friends with and socializing with another kid from a different ethnic group. It still happens. Over time, once they see the kid is as smart or is nice from good parents the perception changes. Anyway, as far as politics. The Republicans know that long term they have a problem. They have an anti foreigner reputation and it will be an issue. They had problems winning Virginia last time, a state that most would have given to Republicans in the past because northern Virginia looks more and more as diverse as Washington DC. Lots of middle and upper middle class whites who work in and around DC, Arlington and Alexandra as well as ethnic minorities who have moved into the middle classes and are moving there. Virginia is like two states, the northern part is progressive and the southern part, especially near the North Carolina border is solidly southern in mindset. Conservative, not as many minorities other than blacks who havef been there for ages. Its a losing battle for Republicans as America becomes more and more non white. The good news is that many of the non white middle class will be conservative in ideology. Asians have a tendency to be so. Socially conservative. Have a history of being from countries without a social safety net sometimes so against welfare and other social programs in theory or not to the degree it is in America. Latinos will be more likely to be Democratic though. Black middle class won't be as solidly Democrat as poor blacks (well over 90 percent usually around 95 percent or so), but will be well over 80 percent. Many of their chidren will be more conservative or at least centrists.
  17. LOL..this was the same Obama that was accused by the Republicans of bowing to Queen Elizabeth? Bush loved Britain enough to drag them into two wars. Even had Blair and Company charming the Congress and the American people into the war in Iraq. With friends like that they're better off with 'enemies' like Obama. hehehe Anyway, this whole Holder thingy is out of control. It seems Issa is set on creating a scandal or controversy here and now before the election. I'm not saying there isn't smoke there. The guns to the Mexican drug dealers thing started under the Bush administration. I'm sure with Obama's administrations track record of breaking the constitution they've got some meat in there. Continuation of Bush. Where was Issa and the Republicans when Cheney and Co., were trampling our civil liberties. All this theatre. Its all bullshit. The hypocracy...on BOTH sides. Reagan and Dubya have done the most since Nixon to warrant a serious look at impeachment but its Clinton who gets it for getting his dick sucked and lying about it in a civil matter. A non presidential civil matter, which by precedence is never impeached (VP Burr illegally killing Sec of Treasury Hamilton in a duel and the Republicans successfully removing tax evasion from the articles of impeachment even though he evaded taxes while a sitting president). Former Minn. governor Jesse Ventura has been doing a book tour and I heard him on CNN. I never understood what he did as Governor for him to be labled as a nut or what ever. Somewhat similar to Arnold as well. I don't see where Arnold was any worse than previous Governors of California but he was seen as some Atilla the Hun for some reason. Anyway, I digress. Ventura was refreshing when I heard him on CNN. The two parties are BS. If you recall he ran under Perot's Reform party and won. We need an honest to goodness 3rd party to help save the country. Keeping out another voice is the ONLY thing both parties agree on.
  18. Obama, anti British? I'd doubt it. I think he embellished many parts of his book. Either his doing or was encouraged to by the publisher. Many publishers will encourage famous people to embellish books to make it more marketable. I don't think Obama is any more anti British than JFK, the former being Irish catholic. I don't think Obama hates any certain group per se and I'm judging by how he governs. Here was a community organizer who one would assume harbors far left politics but has often governed right of center. For someone who grew up with a strong moslem influence having a step father who is moslem he's killed enough to suggest he's no moslem sympathizer. The Rev. Wright concerns that he would be anti white have not come to fruition. If anything he's alienated promiant political blacks and other than Holder, a Clinton person and the UN ambassador he's surrounded himself with whites and jews. Nah, its a bit of a stretch unless I was brought some evidence in AngloAmerican relations that told me otherwise.
  19. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fgw-mcgurk-iraq-ambassador-20120619,0,2243189.story Brett McGurk's nomination, which was scheduled for a vote Tuesday by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, became endangered after the release on the Internet of sometimes racy emails he sent to journalist Gina Chon while he was married and was negotiating a security agreement with the Iraqi government during President George W. Bush's administration. Also Scores, many of them Shiites, killed in Iraq bombings Obama highlights end of Iraq war during Memorial Day commemoration Iranians criticize U.S. 'crimes' in Iraq while praising IAEA The emails indicated McGurk had an intimate relationship with Chon. McGurk has since married Chon, who resigned from The Wall Street Journal last week after acknowledging that she violated in-house rules by showing McGurk unpublished stories. From all accounts this guy was qualified. I hate losing good people in key, hard to fill positions over bullshit. Okay,the guy banged someone. Just tell him, look we know about you banging this broad. you're now gonna be in a very public, very important position. Keep it in your pants. Of course he will. Why lose important people over bullshit reasons? Like people who hired undocumented nannies. So the fuck what? Everyone in LA has hired some guy at the Home Plus to help him move apartments. We gotta get our collective heads out of our asses and be more practical.
  20. Something for you birthers. I just saw an interview with a guy named Maraniss who wrote a book called 'Barack Obama: The Story'. He spoke about some inconsistencies and embellishments of Obama however, he seemed very impartial. When asked about the birther issue he said that that he interviewed people who were there and friends of his mothers. On the say he was born people who knew his mother called each other. Her nickname was 'Stanley' and they recall people saying 'Stanley just had a baby'. Also, he said that Obama's father was being watched by what was the same as the INS back then and watched closely over possibly visa violations, etc. and it would have been impossible for Obama to have been born overseas and they not know.
  21. WTF?! Are they this friggin' bored in Congress? Give me a friggin' break. http://msn.foxsports.com/boxing/story/US-Senators-John-McCain-Harry-Reid-introduce-US-Boxing-Commission-legislation-after-Manny-Pacquiao-Timothy-Bradley-061812 Giving voice to the outrage over Timothy Bradley's controversial split decision over Manny Pacquiao, two senators introduced legislation Monday that would create a special boxing commission to oversee all matches in the United States and restore integrity to the sport. Miss any action from Saturday night's fights? We've got you covered with the best shots from Manny-Pacquiao vs. Timothy Bradley. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who boxed while at the U.S. Naval Academy, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., a former middleweight boxer, are pushing the measure establishing the U.S. Boxing Commission, an entity that would carry out federal boxing law, work with the industry and local commissions and license boxers, promoters, managers and sanctioning organizations.
  22. Miles Davis lived in Malibu and said in the '60s he actually had to call the police department to tell them he was leaving his house and that he was Miles Davis driving such an such because he was stopped so often. He moved because it got too tiresome. Anyway, in other news. Roger Clemens was found not guilty. So glad to hear that. What the f*ck is Congress doing looking at steroids in sports? The various leagues do that job. It was a total BS waste of time done to get cameras in front of the Congress. Complete and utter bullshit waste of time and resources. The trial was more about lying to Congress. Just like a city prosecutor, you pick and choose what to take to court wisely based on a variety of factors. Lying to Congress about arms being sold to Iran to pay for Contras? Prosecute the hell out of that. Lying to Congress about WMDs in Iraq? Put the friggin' full weight of the federal power on that ass. Lying to Congress about arms or whatever to Arab spring events that you should be at least letting the committees involved in know? Prosecute them. Lying to cover up the use of banned substances? Especially in light of it being none of Congress' business in the first place. At worst, a public statement about them possibly lying. If that. Give me a f*cking break. The Congress is such a full of shit body it isn't funny. No joke, were I a member of Congress I'd have said its complete BS to be looking at this crap.
  23. Flawed man personally and its sad he didn't use his money and notoriety to make a better impact on the world. I recall those years and times of his beating and the riots. What is not widely known is tha the riots morphed into a class struggle. 20% of arrests were white (mostly Hollywood area). Poor or working class whites and hispanics started looting as well. With regards to cops stopping blacks that for DWB (driving while black), it was so common that one didn't even ask another black male if it happpened. You assumed it did EVERY black male I know had a cop story. I recall even being stopped in a suit and tie a few times. I lived in the San Fernando valley for a time in LA and in my first management job I recall the SAME cop stopping me on successive nights in Reseda, while I was coming out of a supermarket and I was in a white shirt and tie. He recognized me the 2nd night and had this look that said 'I can't use the same excuse again'. Numerous famous black males said the same things about getting stopped while in their luxery cars. I had absolutely no problem if someone dressed like a gangbanger gets stopped. In fact, I'd insist on it. However, in those days it was any black male no matter what he looked like. There were also the few cops who'd stop you if you had a white woman in the car. Done more to embarass you in front of her. I dated a kiwi girl in LA who said she was with 3 black uni friends in a car and the cop stopped the car and asked her if she was okay. She was yelling at the cops and one of her friends told her to be quiet that its them, not her, who the cop would take it out on. What frustrated blacks in the Rodney King thing was the feeling that the larger society had proof of the allegations that was being made for years and via the jury trial (which to blacks represented the larager society) said we still don't care. Not fair but it was the prevailing sentiment at the time. OJ was an extension of that feeling.
  24. He's against Obama for the right reasons. Obama hasn't been progressive enough in some areas in my opinion as well. He's continued the erosion of civil liberties.
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